Chapter 67: Impossible

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*sighs* This story is taking a drastic turn.

Alison POV:
"What? Spencer, that's... that's impossible." I say in disbelief.

"But is it? When's the last time you saw Charles?" Aria questions.

"On his fourteenth birthday. Two years before he killed himself." I tell them.

"He killed himself on his sixteenth birthday? Why would we wan-"

"Okay, Hanna!" Spencer yells, cutting Hanna off.

"Sorry..." Hanna mumbles. "I need to go nurse Carter. If you find anything, tell me."

She walks out of the room and I hear her saying hi to Toby and Jason.

"The information has got to be wrong." I say, folding my arms.

"There's no way he's alive!" I laugh dryly.

"Maybe there is, though." Emily says quietly and cautiously.

"I don't think there is." I say flatly. "I'm going to bed."

I walk out of the guest room and through the hall, passing the girls' rooms and the...extra room.

(A/N The way I'm imagining the house is so fucking cool. It's hard to explain.)

"Hey, Toby. Hey, Jason." I say tiredly.

"Hi, Ali." Toby smiles, taking his attention away from the show playing on the large flat screen.

American Dad.

Of course.

"You going to bed?" Jason asks as he turns around to look at me.

"Yeah." I reply. "I woke up early and chasing a toddler around and waking up multiple times at night is hard." I laugh lightly. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Ali. Love you."

"Love you, too, Jas."

I go and lay down in mine and Emily's new and improved bed. It's a king, not a queen.

I lay down thinking about that party so many years ago.


"Jason! Ali! Come play with me!" Charles says in a high pitched voice.

"Are you kids ready for cake?" My mother asks.

I hear Charles asking about when he has to go back.

I'm not sure what he means.

He comes back and sits next to Jason and I and blows the candles out on his cake.

"This is the best birthday ever! Here Ali, you can have the icing. I don't like." He says with a face of disgust and a small, sweet smile.

"Thanks, Charlie." I giggle.

We get in out car after the party.

"I don't want to go back! Please mom!" Charles sobs as my mother checks mine and Jason's seat belts.

"You have to." My mother says sadly. "I hope you had fun, Freddie."


I shoot up in bed gasping.

Tears are lightly falling down my cheeks.

Charles isn't alive.

That's impossible.

A/N Day 1 of school: Complete
Even thought the exhaustion was eating me alive and my anxiety was all bleh. I have my best friend in 6/7 of my classes. Score! And in the one class I don't have with her, I have my other two best friends and we all sit next to each other. Score! But I don't have any classes with best friend. *cries* :(

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