Chapter 29: Warrior

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*the pictures I'm using in this story are SO FUCKING CUTE* *I wasn't going to kill the baby. Calm tf down. I have big plans for this story. 😈*

3 hours later

Alison POV:
"Bye, my little warrior. I'll see you soon." I whisper, and touch Charlotte's tiny back.

She's going into surgery in about fifteen minutes.

They flipped her over for some reason.

"See you soon, baby girl." Emily says, and lightly touches Charlotte's head.

"You can't understand me, or any of us, but you're a warrior princess." Aria giggles as she looks at Charlotte with smiling eyes.

"You've got this." Spencer says, and blows a kiss to Charlotte.

Doctor Carpenter, Megan, and nurse Sarah all take her down the hall with her.

"Huh? Sissy!" Eden whines after realizing they took her.

"She's be back soon, babes." Spencer says, and picks Eden up.

"You should get some rest, Ali." Emily says.

I lay down thinking about Charlotte, and eventually fall into a deep sleep.

Emily POV:
I sit in the chair next to Alison's bed, tapping my feet on the ground and biting on my fingernails.

"She'll be fine, Em. She's our little warrior." Spencer says, and squeezes my knee.

"Where's Hanna?" I ask suddenly.

"She went out with Caleb yesterday. They stated the night somewhere." Aria informs me.

"Can you call her? I could use her right now." I say. "Someone who is good at keeping stressful things off my mind." I chuckle lightly.

"Sure." Spencer answers in an understanding tone.


Juan hour later

"Hanna!" I shout once I see Hanna walk into the hospital.

"Emily!" She exclaims excitedly.

She runs over and wraps her arms around my neck.

"How's it been?" She asks.

"Eh." I reply honestly.

"I hear Alison had a baby." She says. "Two months early." She adds.


"Where are these two people? And what's the gender of the baby?" She questions.

"Alison is sleeping, and Charlotte, the baby girl, is in surgery." I tell her.

"Surgery?! Spencer left that part out." Hanna says surprised.

"It's a simple surgery. She'll be fine." I say, not trying to convince Hanna, but myself.


Alison POV:
"Alright, Ms. DiLaurentis, Ms. Fields." Dr. Carpenter says to us.

"We have good news!" She says excitedly.

"Well, don't just stand there! Tell us what it is!" Hanna demands impatiently.

"We successfully removed all of the blood, and Charlotte will be fine. But there is one thing I have to tel you."

Emily and I both look at her intently, waiting for her to continue.

"Charlotte's heart did stop once for a few minutes." She begins, and I feel as if I'm going to hurl. "But she recovered quickly. This is normal in preemies. Charlotte may need an inhaler when she's older, due to the fact that her heart and lungs weren't quite fully developed." She explains.

"So you're saying she's going to survive?" Emily asks eagerly.

"That's what we're hoping for. And the chances are looking good." Dr. Carpenter, or Shannon, smiles.

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