Chapter 95: That's Not A Name

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Emily POV:
"Charlotte, what do you want to name the babies?" I ask the brunette child. She looks up at me, her eyes wide with cake smeared across her cute face.

I laugh and quickly grab my phone, taking a picture. "You're so cute."

I post the picture to Instagram, captioning it:

Happy third birthday to my favorite brunette girly! 😍👧🏻 #NoMoreBabyEmoji 😩

"We name him Jesus." Charlotte says.

"How about we choose a different name?" I offer kindly.

"Bubble Guppies."

"You want to name one of your brothers Bubble Guppies?" I ask.

"Yeah!" Charlotte giggles.

Eden sighs, and looks at Charlotte. "That's not a name, Char." Eden looks at me. "We should name one of them's Eric."

"There's a start." I mumble. "We'll think about it, baby."

"We name him Castle!" Charlotte exclaims, and slams her hand down, smashing the piece of cake she has.

"I need more stretch mark cream!" Alison yells from our bedroom.

"There's some in the cabinet!" I shout back.

Ever since we found out we're having triplets, she's going crazy about the stretch marks that she's sure to get. She only has a few small, barely noticeable ones as of right no from Eden and Charlotte.

Hanna stands up from the couch, and sits next to Charlotte. "Charlotte, do you understand what a name is?" She asks the three year old.

"No." Charlotte answers, stuffing more cake into her mouth.

"Of course you don't." Hanna whispers, mostly to herself. "How about we name one of those little monsters Dylan?" Hanna suggests.

"I like Dylan!" I agree.

"Me too!" Eden adds, and takes some of Charlotte's cake before running off. "Hey!" Charlotte shrieks, running after Eden.

"Charlotte's hair is a mess." I chuckle, watching her try to catch Eden.

Hanna smiles. "I hope Caleb and I have a girl next go around." She says.

Carter frowns. "No sissy! I need bwother." He exclaims.

"What should we name your cousins, Carter?" Hanna asks the brunette boy.

"Carter." He says in a girly tone. I swear, sometimes I think he's going to be gay.

"How about something else?" Hanna says, clenching her jaw.

"Cheesehead!" Carter exclaims, throwing his hands up into the air.

I smile at the boy. "Hanna." I say, not looking at her.

"What?" She questions.

I continue looking at Carter. "Your child..." I say.

"What about him?" Hanna asks. "Is something wrong?" She panics, inspecting his face.

"No, it's just... He lost his blue eyes. His eyes aren't blue anymore." I pout.

"Oh...right. I know!" Hanna whines. "He looks so much older with his brown eyes, and short brown hair!"

"He looks more like Caleb." I giggle.

"That's a plus." Hanna sighs. "But his blue eyes were so damn pretty."

"It's a sure thing that Eden and Charlotte will continue to have blue eyes..." I trail off.

I look back at Eden and Charlotte, who are now having a screaming match with each other. "Stop!" Eden yells at Charlotte. Charlotte giggles, and throws a stuffed dog at Eden, and Eden pouts. In victory, Charlotte smirks and narrows her eyes at Eden.

I nearly lose it right there.

"What's wrong?" Hanna asks, looking at me.

"Did you see that?" I breathe.

"See what?" Hanna queries, looking at Eden and Charlotte. "Did they do something?"

"You didn't see Charlotte's face?" I ask.

"No. I was looking at my phone. What did she do?" Hanna inquires, bored.

"She... she looked just like... she looked just like Jake." I whisper.

"What face?" Hanna asks, jumping up.

"That face." I stutter, my voice shaky. "That's... That's the voice that Jake made... When he shot me!" I cry as tears start to fall down my cheeks.

"Shh. Emily, Emily. Hey, don't cry. You're fine. Charlotte is nothing like that bastard!" Hanna tells me, grabbing hold of my shoulders.


"Emily! Charlotte is your daughter, yes, she is! But she's also his..." She says the last sentence quietly. "As much as we all hate it, it's true. That's our reality. But you love her. You raised her. You are her mom! He is nothing to Charlotte. Okay?" Hanna whispers as she hugs me tightly. "You don't have to think of him! Charlotte may have his blood, but you are her real family. YOU are her parent."

"Okay..." I hiccup through my tears.

A/N Is wattpad being a bitch for anyone else, or is that just me?

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