Chapter 57: Graduation

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I had a VERY original name for this book for maybe in the future, but I'm sadly not using it anymore. 😂 unless there's a certain number of kids you want them to have. *wink, wink*

A few months later (I think it's, like, five months later)

Alison POV:
I wake up, and Charlotte and Eden are cuddled up to each other between Emily and me.

"Em, babe. Wake up." I say to her.

She groans in response and turns away from me.

"Emily, it's graduation." I tell her.

"I don't wanna!" She whines.

"Don't you want to graduate?" I ask her excitedly.

She groans, and rolls over, falling off of the bed.

A loud thud is heard followed by a sexy groan.

I laugh, and stand up.


"And now welcome, our Valedictorian, Spencer Hastings!" Principal Hackett announces.

Spencer walks up, and flashes her award winning Hastings smile.

"As you inhale the aggregate odor of your senior class for the last time, I'm sure there are many burning questions racing through your minds: "Will I find my place in the world?" If you're lucky. "Am I really going to graduate a virgin?" Yeah, probably." She speaks, and everyone laughs.

"Who is that incredibly sexy young woman addressing us, and how long do we have the privilege of listening to her?" Hello, Spencer Hastings here, and hopefully not long; I realize that your robes are making you sweat, your thongs are making you uncomfortable, and my use of the words "virgin" and "thongs" is making your parents sweaty and uncomfortable..." She trails off, and everyone laughs again.

"I've spent weeks trying to think of what it is I'd like to share with you on this special morning... what words of wisdom I could possibly impart, what bits of knowledge I have obtained during these past four or five years that I could share. And after careful deliberation and consideration, I came to the conclusion that I have absolutely nothing to say. I've asked several people, "So, like, if you were listening to a speech, and, like, you wanted to enjoy it... what would you want to hear?" And these several people all had the same reply, "Don't be boring." So, that was a really big help..." She says sarcastically, and everyone laughs. "How am I doing so far?" She asks.

Everyone cheers and Spencer's smile grows bigger.

"Members of the faculty, parents, guests, and graduates, have no fear. I am well aware that on a day of such high excitement, what you require, first and foremost, of any speaker is brevity. I shall not fail you in this respect. When we arrived at Rosewood High, all was new to us and we walked around looking up at everything in awe. As we have been preparing to leave, we were given the chance to see Rosewood from the top of the tallest building, looking down on everything with nostalgic familiarity-inspecting the tiny people that bring Rosewood High to life, trying to imagine the countless buses we squeezed to get on, and the hours spent talking to friends..." She says.

"We've all had our ups and downs. I know a few people who I'm surprised made it out of high school alive." She says. "But really? It's not all that surprising. They're strong. We're all strong."

"Graduation is an exciting time in a person's life, especially a high school graduation. When I think of family and friends gathering together to celebrate a joyous occasion, I feel I accomplished my strongest goal. It never occurred to me that graduation would be the end of my youth and the start of adulthood. Graduating from high school was an influential event that gave me an altered outlook on my existence. Life before graduation, preparing for graduation day, and commencement day overwhelmed me for reality..."

To the Rosewood High School Class of 2014: As you sit in front of me, I know what most of you are thinking at the moment. There are those who are already pondering about what life without high school will be like; those who are debating whether or not to tell your crush tonight about your whispers of adoration you've secretly held for four years; some simply want to get out of that ungodly chair, get that thing that isn't really a diploma but only tells you when to pick up the thing, and then be the first one on the green bus to the grad party - you know who you are." Spencer says, looking around at everyone, smiling.

"So... I don't really know where I'm going with this..." She sighs. "Let's graduate!" She exclaims, and everyone cheers.


"Toby Cavanaugh!" Principal Hackett announces. "Attending Danby University!"

"Woo! Yay, Tobes!" Emily shouts.

I wait a few more minutes.

"Alison DiLaurentis!" Principal Hackett exclaims. "Also attending Danby!"

Applause erupts.

"Way to go, babe!" Emily screams.

I walk over, and grab my diploma.

Another forty or so people go.

"Emily Fields!" Is called. "Attending the University of Danby!"

"Go me!" She cheers.

The crowd erupts into applause.

I guess that's what happens when you're the star swimmer and loved by everyone.

Another forty or so people go.

"Spencer Hastings! Another attendant of Danby!"

"Yay Spencer!" Emily shouts, and claps her hands.

More applause.

After about another ten minutes, Hanna is called.

"Woo! My Hanna Banana!" Emily yells excitedly.

Caleb goes.

"Woo! Way to go, Caleb!" Emily shouts.

Emily POV:
"We graduated!" Aria exclaims.

"Let's go get drunk!" Hanna shouts. "Well, all of you."

"Woo! Let's do it!" I agree.






There was more to this chapter.

But I write on my phone, and accidentally clicked the back button and deleted about 600 or so words off of it.

I didn't feel like rewriting it.

Ending is coming.

I'm so mean.

... The ways it ends.

Only 4 people know the ending. 😂 oops. You 4 know who you are. They approve of the ending. You readers may not.

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