Chapter 11: The Day After

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*I wanted Alison to have another baby, but nooo. Ugh. Anyways... I had really cute pictures I could use. Whatever. Enjoy. -_- *

Alison POV:
I wake up in my bed with a major headache.

I groan, and look at what time it is.

"It's only eight in the morning?!" I say to myself, shocked.

I look to my side and see Eden sleeping peacefully.

I look to my side and see a glass of water and down aspirin.

I take it, and lay back down.

I fall sleep after about ten minutes.


Emily POV:
"I'm sorry." I say, and get up from the table.

I just broke up with Maya. She took it surprisingly well.

She said she understood, and agreed to still being friends.

I leave The Brew and on the way out I see Alison and Eden.

My eyes nearly pop out of my head before I quickly duck my head down.

I walk fast, not paying attention and end up accidentally bumping into Alison.

"Watch where you're going." I snap at her.

I can't be nice. She'll laugh in my face.

"S-Sorry." She stutters.

"Was that a stutter?" I laugh mockingly. "Did Alison DiLaurentis stutter?! Ha!" I say, and scoff.

"Do you need something?" She questions me annoyed.

"No. I don't need anything. Nothing. At. All." I say slowly.

"Well...Move." She says angrily.

"Bye, Eden!" I say in a baby voice and walk off.

Alison POV:
"Em!" Eden whines once Emily is out of sight.

"Emily is a bitch." I mumble.

"Mama bish." Eden coos.

I sigh and roll my eyes before ordering my drink and food.

"Vanilla latte and a turkey panini." I tell the guy at the counter.

I have to admit, he's cute.

Short brown hair, bright green eyes, good build, perfect smile.

"Coming right up." He says, and winks at me, flashing me that million dollar smile of his.

I smile back, and shift Eden onto my right hip.

"Did he not notice you or something?" I ask Eden in a quiet voice.

She smiles and giggles at me just as the guy, Connor, gives me my order.

"Is this your niece? Or are you babysitting? Or is it your sister?" Connor asks me. "I guess it could also be your cousin..." He trails off.

I laugh lightly before speaking. "She's actually my daughter. Just being honest, here." I say.

"Really?!" He asks shocked.

"Yeah." I reply, and grab my coffee and panini.

"That's cool. You seem like a good mom." He tells me.

"Thanks." I gush.

"Of course. Well, I'm going to let you enjoy your food. And I'm going to take care of these other customers." He chuckles.

"Okay." I say, and also chuckle.

I go and sit down on the couch bench and sit Eden next to me.

"Mama. Bite!" She shrieks.

I give her a bite of my panini as I watch Connor.

Damn, he is attractive.

After about thirty minutes I get up and leave The Brew.

Emily POV:
"Hey, Em!" Hanna exclaims as she runs over.

"Hanna! Hey! What're you up to?" I ask as I hug her.

"I was just going to The Brew." She replies.

"Cool. I just came from there, actually. And I bumped into Alison. Harsh tone of voice was used." I chuckle lightly at the end.

"Well, Alison is a bitch. You're not the first to fall for her."

"What do you mean?" I ask curiously as I move stray strands of hair behind my ear.

"Lots of boys at our school have been hurt by her." She states.

"Was it bad?"

"I guess. But she was pretty rude. I'm surprised those boys still go to our school."

"I actually have a question." I say.

"Okay. Ask away!" Hanna says with a smile.

"I was at The Brew a few days ago and Spencer was there with her sister, Melissa. And Melissa said something about and older brother and little sisters. As in more than one sister. What's that about?" I ask, and shift my weight into my other foot.

"I would've thought Spencer told you this already. Or Alison. But I guess it wouldn't hurt if I told you." Hanna says. "Spencer's dad and Alison's mom had an affair. Alison's mom got pregnant and kept the baby, so Jason is Spencer and Melissa's half brother. So, Alison, Spencer and Melissa are lie step sisters, I guess?"

"Wow." Is all I say.

"Yeah. So, I don't get why Alison is such a bitch to Spencer. Maybe it's because Peter stole Jessica, or because she comes from a fucked up past. The world may never know."

"I just want to know what happened to her. What happened that made her this way? She's so bipolar, but I want to get to know her so badly." I sigh.

"You've gotta have a plan, first. What can you do to make her talk to you?"

"Huh..." I mumble. "Thank you, Han! I'll see you later!" I say, and run off.

Who knew Hanna Marin could actually be helpful?

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