Chapter 58: The After-Party

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THIS STORY IS COMING TO AN END SOON. There's maybe 10 chapters left, boi. Or more. Idk yet. Maybe. I have cramps and I'm "craving" stories. See where I'm going?

Emily POV:
"I need six shots." I tell the bartender.

He chuckles.

"They're not all for me." I tell him in all seriousness. "It's for multiple people."

"Okay." He laughs, and hands me the tray of shots.

"Thank you!" I tell him with a smile.

"Of course." He smiles back.

I take them to everyone.

"Tequila shots!" I exclaim.

"Woo! Let's get you all drunk!" Hanna yells, and takes her shot of water, making me laugh.

"Alison buys next round!" Spencer laughs, and downs her shot.

"Hey!" Alison whines.

"Sorry." Aria laughs, and takes her shot.

"And I'll buy the round after that!" Caleb says, and drinks his shot.

"Fine." Alison replies, and casually takes her shot.

The rest of us take our shots, and within fifteen minutes, we're completely shit faced.

Alison POV:
I walk to-stumble to-the bar, and smile at the bartender.

He's tall, jet black hair, bright blue eyes, very nice jawline.

"Would you like to be mine and my girlfriends sperm donor?" I slur.

He laughs.

"What can I get you, pretty lady?" He asks.

"I need six tequila shots and six vodka sodas. And two ginatonics. I'm also going to need a margarita and two beers. Bud light, please." I tell him.

"Damn, you hosting a party, or something?" He chuckles.

"Yes, actually." I slur.

"Oh, yeah? Maybe I could join you." He says, and flashes me a smile.

"It's just some of my friends." I tell him.

He hands me a tray of drinks.

"I'll help you." He says.

"I don't need it." I say.

"You're stumbling all over the place, and slurring your words. I'll help you." He says as he puts his hand on mine.

"She wanted drinks, not a boyfriend." Emily says as she walks over.

She rolls her eyes and grabs the second tray of drinks.

"Let's go, babe." She says, and glares at the bartender.

"We got the drinks!" I yell, and everyone cheers as they grab what they asked for.


Emily POV:
I wake up around noon and my head is pounding.

"Shit!" I groan, and rub my temples.

I hear shuffling, and look to my left.

Eden is leaning over Charlotte, giving her kisses.

I turn over more, and see Alison still sleeping.

I look at the clock.

"Fuck!" I groan. It's already one in the afternoon.

"Babe, wake up." I say sleepily, and shake Alison.

"No!" She groans, and slaps my hand away.

I look around.

"Well, good afternoon, sleepyhead." I hear a voice say.

I look over at the doorway, and see my mother.

I groan in response.

"Now, what have you learned from drinking?" She asks as she sits on the bed.

"To only take a single shot." I chuckle dryly, and groan again from the pain.

"Hi!" Eden squeals as she jumps on me.

"Ow!" I whine.

"Here." My mom says, and hands me water and some aspirin and other stuff.

"Thank you." I say as I sit up.

I take the medicine, and lye back down in the bed and pull the blankets up to my chest.

"Suck great roll models." I hear my brothers voice say.

"Shut up, you little shit." I say, and throw a pillow at him.

"Hey! Be nice!" My mother scolds, but I can tell she's trying not to laugh.

"Okay. Get out of here." I say to my mother and Tyler.

They leave, and I look at Alison.

"Wake up, baby." I say.

She doesn't respond.

"I would give you morning sex, but my family is here. And I have too big of a headache." I say.

"Whatever." She replies quietly.

I roll my eyes, and lye back down, going back to sleep.

A/N Ahh! Okay. I'm so excited about the turn I took in this story. (Ch. 64) and just... Yes!
On another note, I am working on another story that I'm super excited about! Ahh! My 15 year old brother is watching Spy Kids with his friend.

I went downstairs in a sports bra and pajama pants. My brother and his friend were down there. I'm so glad I decided to wrap a blanket around me first.

The TV is so fucking loud. Wtf.

My name is really cool. I love it sooo much. 💖 eek! 💖

Emison: You Know What They SayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang