Chapter 33: In My Arms

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*lets say the baby isn't actually THAT little ^^^* *get this to 30 comments from 15 different people* *and 50 votes*

2 days later

Emily POV:
"Alison, Christmas is in ten days. Ten days!" I say exasperated as I pace around Charlotte's room.

"Hey, hey. It's fine." Alison says, trying to calm me.

"I just want her home for her first Christmas." I say sadly.

"So do I. We just have to stay strong. For Charlotte, Eden and ourselves."

I sigh, and stop pacing. "...You're right."

"Of course I am." Alison giggles.

I roll my eyes with a closed mouth smile, and sit down.

After a few minutes, the door swings open and Hanna walks in with Eden.

"I got your kids some clothes. Enjoy!" She exclaims, and puts all of the bags on the floor.


"There's hair bows, onesies, tutus, tiny bracelets, socks, scratch mittens, headbands, ear muffs, jumpers, pajamas, footie pajamas, clothes sets, shoes, pacifiers, bottles, diapers, wipes, boogie wipes, you'd, teethers, soap, wash cloths, pumps, child safety locks, doctor type stuff, puffs, toddler foods, baby monitors, bath toys and other bath stuff for babies, blankets, a boppy, a bumbo, lotion and other baby product stuff for whatever hygiene babies have, bibs, and some things to carry food in, played, bowls, spoons, and forks. And sippi cups." Hanna finishes after cutting Alison off.

"Uhm, how could you afford all if that?!" I ask shocked.

"I used my dads credit card." She replies nonchalantly, not even looking up.

Dr. Shannon Carpenter comes in a few minutes later, goes wide eyed after seeing all of our gifts, then looks at Alison and me after recovering.

"Sarah is bringing Charlotte in soon." She tells us. "Her stats are up, her heart beat is normal and steady, she's now three pounds, seven ounces. I say she's almost ready to go home." She tells us.

"YES!" I exclaim, and fist pump the air.

Sarah, the nurses, brings Charlotte in and my smile grows even bigger.

"Hey, baby girl!" I say excitedly.

"Would you like to hold her?" Shannon questions.

"Seriously?!" I ask a little too loudly out of shock and excitement.

"Yes, seriously." She laughs.

She carefully opens the incubator, picks up Charlotte as I sit down, and puts the tiny baby in my arms.

She's wrapped up in a hospital blanket, and she smells like heaven.

"Oh, my goodness. I'm scared I might break you." I squeak.

Alison laughs along with Hanna and Shannon.

I feel hot tears falling down my cheeks.

"I'm in love." I whisper with a smile on my face.

"Let me hold her, too!" Hanna starts to whine after a few minutes.

I gently hand Charlotte over to Hanna, who's sitting on the couch.

"Hello, baby. I'm your aunt Hanna. I am always going to be your favorite. Even if Spencer is somewhat your really aunt." Hanna says in a baby voice. "I am going to spoil you so much!" She squeals.

I roll my eyes with a smile on my face, and sit down next to Hanna.

"I already got you lots of stuff, and I'm going to get you more. Plus, I set up a baby shower for January seventeenth.

(A/N I chose a random date, and when I looked it up, I discovered it's a Friday. 8D)

"WHAT?!" Alison and I exclaim at the same time.

"Yep. Family and close friends only." Hanna tells us. "There won't be much people there."

"Where is this being held exactly?" I ask a little annoyed.

"Your house. Duh." Hanna says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Alison lets out a deep breath and fixes her hair.

"Great." Alison says sarcastically.

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