Chapter 53: Simply Emison

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The next day

Emily POV:
"Babe! Come here!" I hear Alison call.

I cough and go over to Alison.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"Their names. Pip, Mr. Wobsle, Uncle Pumblechook. They all sound like stuffed animals."

"I can't believe you finished it already." I say in amazement.

"Want me to tell you what happens! I could make you a cheat sheet." She smirks. "You should really let me braid your hair sometime." She says as she twirls my fingers around in her hair.

"I had a dream last night. That you and I got married and everything was going to be okay."

"That's why I love you. You're big on happy endings...So is Dickens, by the way. Pip gets Estella in the end." She says. "Can I read you something?"

I slightly nod my head yes as I stare into her perfect, beautiful blue eyes.

"I loved her against reason. Against promise. Against peace. Against hope, against happiness. Against all discouragement that could be." She says calmly.

I smile and lean in, kiss her soft, bow shaped lips.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you, more, Emily Fields." She whispers back.

"That's how I got Eden's name. In the end, I knew I would eventually find my Pip." Alison tells me.

"Eden Estelle. Estella didn't quite sound right. But when I have another girl, I have the perfect name." She says.

"Yep." Alison says. "Look what I got."

She pulls out a bunch of post cards from her purse and lyes them on the floor in front of us.

"Are you planning a trip?" I ask.

"You and me and Sweet Paris? How does that sound?" She asks quietly as she stares into my eyes. "Dancing through sunflower fields, and lounging in the French Riviera." She sighs happily. "You'd look so good on top of the Eiffel Tower."

"How long are we going away for?" I question with a smirk.

After ten seconds of complete silence, she lifts her head up and looks into my eyes.

"How about forever?"

I giggle and kiss her perfect lips.

"You two are being especially lovey dovey today. Have you found the book you're doing your report on?" Spencer inquires, ruining the moment.

"We're simply Emison, as Hanna says. And yes." I answer her.

"I need to find a French family willing to host a nice girl from Pennsylvania. Too many moment ruiners here." Alison giggles once Spencer is out of hearing distance.

I laugh.

"I'm feeling a lot better than I was yesterday." I tell Alison.

"I can tell." She whispers and strokes me cheek. "Sweet Emily."

She puts a loose strand of hair behind my ear and gives me a chaste kiss.

"And I see you still wear the friendship bracelet I got." Alison says, referring to the purple beaded band on my wrist. "We'll be friends forever."

"Seriously, what is up with you two today?" Aria asks, popping up out of nowhere.

"They're simply Emison. Now, come on! Help me find a book!" Hanna yells and drags her to the poetry section.

I laugh and look at Alison.

"I want to show you something!" She says excitedly.

We get up and run out of the library and to the woods.

"What is this?" I ask.

"The Kissing Rock. People have been sneaking off to the kissing rock for thousands of years'' Alison said, looking in my direction.

''Okay, you're making that up'' I said, grinning at her.

''Just because I make it up doesn't it mean it's not true'' she said, darting her eyes at me. She ledged a little bit closer to me.

''You go there with somebody, and you can feel the ghosts of the other lovers spying on you, pushing you to do it.'' Alison explained. ''You know, you should never disappoint a ghost.'' she finished, edging a little closer.

I felt a bit intimidated by her intimacy. ''It's just a dusty old rock'' I reply smilingly.

"...I know you wanna kiss me. Do you wanna taste my cherry Chapstick?" She whispers.

I smile and smash my lips against hers.

We pull away after about twenty twenty seconds when air is needed.

"I'm your girlfriend. I always want kiss you." I say to Alison with a smirk on my face.

She pulls a can of red spray paint out of her purse and smiles.

"What are you doing?" I ask curiously.

"You'll see." She smiles.

Once she's done, on the rock it reads:

EF + AD with a heart around it.

"We're simply Emison." Alison giggles.







I felt we all needed this.

But be honest...Was it cute?

I tried putting in all super important, mega, holy shit, fuck yes, I cry Emison scenes in there.

Does anyone know if Ezria is in this story? Or has Aria been single the last 18 years of her life? Lol lmao

This is the last update for a few days.

I'm going to Colorado. ✨

So, I can't update. I decided to post this. It's almost 2 AM and I'm wide awake. 😅

Sleep is for the weak.

Unless I'm in the car. I fall asleep so easily in the car. Lol

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