Chapter 66: Forgotten

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I have good news!
I'm pregnant!
............................. Um... No. Jk, jk. I decided to keep writing this book. But I'm sure you already knew that...


Alison POV:
Emily holds the picture up and I tense.

"Who's Charles?" She asks in a hurt, confused and slightly angry voice.

Her face has all the same emotions written all over it.

"Uh... My um, uh, m-my... Uh..." I stutter and gulp while fidgeting with my fingers. "My, uh... D-Did y-you look through al-all of the, um, Radley f-files?" I ask nervously.

"No. I just assumed my girlfriend was crazy and never told me." She says angrily.

"You're joking, right?" I say quietly.

Emily scoffs loudly. "No!"

I flinch at her tone.

"I thought maybe you were acting like this because you were on your period! But then Hanna mentioned something about a box and your attitude!" She yells at me.

Tears start welling up in my eyes.

"Who's Charles, Alison?" Emily questions through gritted teeth in a demanding voice.

"He's, my, um... My brother." I say flatly and shrug with a blank expression.

"W-What...?" Emily asks as she tilts her head to the side and furrows her eyebrows. "Jason is your brother."

"Charles is my oldest brother." I say without looking at her.

Emily lets out a dry, humorless laugh.

"God, why are you lying, Alison?!" She says with a pained voice.

She's trying not to cry.

"I'm not." I say, still not daring to look at her.

"Well, then, care to explain what the hell is happening?!" She asks as she throws the picture and birth certificates.

I go over and sit on the floor across from her.

"Obviously you didn't look at these." I say.

I pick up the birth certificates.

"This one is mine." I say, showing her the paper with pink accents.

"Alison Lauren DiLaurentis, born on June twenty third in 1995. Weighing four pounds and seven ounces. Place of birth, Rosewood, Pennsylvania. Mother is Jessica DiLaurentis, father is Kenneth DiLaurentis." I say and hand it to her.

(A/N Charles's information is completely made up.)

"This one is Charles's." I inform her, showing her the paper with blue accents.

"Charles DiLaurentis, born on September seventh in 1989. Weighing six pounds and eleven ounces. Place of birth, Roswell Georgia. Mother is Jessica DiLaurentis, father is Kenneth DiLaurentis."

(A/N I hate myself. XD Rosewood and Roswell.)

She looks at the birth certificate in shock and confusion.

"Why and how do you have this?" She asks.

"My parents just had it sitting up in the attic collecting dust. I found it and took it." I tell her.

"Well... Where is he know?" She questions as she looks at me. "Actually, why didn't you tell me about him?"

"I...I..." I sigh, giving up on telling a lie. "When I was eleven months old, he tried to drown me in a scorching bath tub." I tell her. "He hated me."

Emison: You Know What They Sayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن