Chapter 52: Dr. Fields

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Dedicated to jamia618
Read her stories!
Blah! 😝
Alright, cool.

*wow. I was happy when I wrote this chapter. Honestly, I am such a pathetic person. I don't know if those 3 certain people are reading this, but I'm sorry about what I said.*


January 20th, 2014

Emily POV:
"Alisonnn!" I whine as I toss and turn in bed.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch. I'm trying to sleep!" I hear Hanna yell.

"Go back to your own god damn house, bitch!" I tell back and start coughing.

Not just a little cough, but one of those ones where it hurts your chest and throat and feels like you're dying. And it sounds all gross and shit.

"I don't want to!" Hanna shouts back.

"I don't fucking care..." I stop and take a few deep breaths. "If you don't want to!"

I look at the time.

Nine fifteen.



Alison is taking Eden to preschool.

Suddenly my stomach starts hurting and it feels like someone is stabbing me.

My throat is hurting like a mother fucking bitch and my ears are aching.

The pain takes me over and tears start to form on my eyes.

"Hanna, it's Monday!" I yell, making her aware of school.

"Shit!" I hear her yell.

I also hear something fall and Hanna yell fuck.

"I tripped over Eden's toys. It's all good!" Hanna shouts.

Alison POV:
"Bye, Eden. Have a great day." I say as I kiss her head.

She recently started pre school.

Only a few months for her to go.

I obviously can't take her to school with me, Jason has a job, my mom is busy and my dad just doesn't have the time and is always away.

"You need to pick her up at two thirty, we'll have nap time and you get a day off to yourself." Her teacher, Mrs. Brodie, tells me.

"Alright. Sounds good." I say with a smile.

"And I can't wait until this little one joins us." She says gleefully, referring to Charlotte.

"Thank you. I'll probably be one of the first ones showing up to pick Eden up. So I'll see you all soon." I say.

"Bye, mama!" Eden says and does her little wave.

"Bye, baby. I'll see you later." I say.

"I luh mommy!" She says.

"I'll tell Emily you love her." I giggle.

"Who's Emily?" Mrs. Brodie asks me. "And mommy?"

"My girlfriend. Eden calls her mommy." I tell her with confidence.

Mrs. Brodie smiles. "I'd love to meet her. Why isn't she here right now?" She questions.

"She's sick." I tell her. "She really wanted to be here for Eden's first day, but..." I trail off.

"I get it. I hope I can meet all of you as a family soon." She says.

"Of course."


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