Chapter 46: Fuck School

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2 days later

Alison POV:
"Mama! Mama!" Eden exclaims.

"Hey! How's my almost two year old?" I exclaim.

I just got back from school.

"Emmy?" She pouts.

"Not yet, baby."

She whimpers and quivers her bottom lip with glossy eyes.

Five days.

We have five days until Eden's birthday, and Charlotte's baby shower.

"Thanks for watching the girls, mom." I say to my mother and give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"You're welcome. I'll do it anytime. I love them more than I love you, I think." She says, and winks at me.

I chuckle, and pick up Charlotte's car seat.

She's already strapped in.

"Okay. I'll see you in five days, right?" I ask my mom.

"Yep." My mom replies, popping the 'p'.

"Are dad and Jason coming?" I ask.

"I know Jason is. I'm not sure if you're dad will be home, yet."

"Okay." I sigh. "I just hope Emily is awake by then." I whisper.

"She will be." My mom says, and rubs my back.

"I'll see you soon. Bye, darling. I love you."

"I love you, too, mom."

I walk outside to my car and strap the girls into their seats.

"Emmy!" Eden whines over and over again as she slowly blinks her eyes.

"Go to sleep, baby. You're tired." I say to her.

She lets out a breath and looks outside the window.

She keeps mumbling until she eventually falls asleep.

I can hear Charlotte's breathing and Eden's quiet snores in the silent car.

I get home, lay the girls down in mine and Emily's bed, do any work I have, make dinner, wake up the girls, feed them, give them a bath, take a shower and we all go to bed.


"Hey, cheater." Hanna says as she walks over to me. "How are you?" She asks with an obviously fake smile.

"Not so good." I say quietly.

"Oh, that's too bad." Hanna says and pouts her bottom lip out.

"Hey, Han. Hey, Al." Spencer greets as she walks over.

"Hey." I say glumly and turn around to look at her.

"What's wrong?" Spencer questions wiu furrowed eyebrows.

She looks at me like I'm a lost puppy that's been kicked too many times.

But that's how I feel.

"What isn't wrong at this point?" I scoff.

"Emily is in a coma, I kissed her doctor, Hanna hates me, my babies aren't happy." I say quickly, running my words together.

Hanna looks surprised, and Spencer has a look of shock, disappointment, confusion and sadness on her face.

"You...Kissed her doctor? Who is a guy?" Spencer inquires, speaking slowly.

"How come nobody can understand that I'm bi?! Ugh!" I shout annoyed and frustrated.

"But you have a girlfriend! And you kissed her-"

"Yes, Hanna. I kissed a guy. Wow! Shocker!" I say bitterly. "I am not lesbian! I am bi!" I say angrily.

"Why are you so angry? Emily is going to be the angry one." Hanna says.

"What?" I ask.

"You think we're not going to tell her? Bullshit." Spencer scoffs.

Aria suddenly walks over and looks at us confused.

"What's going on? I heard you three yelling all the way from down the hall." She says.

"Alison kissed Wren." Spencer answers her.

"What?!" Aria shrieks. "As in Melissa's Wren?" She questions with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yep." Hanna responds, sounding annoyed.

"Well, it's Alison. She's hooked up with three or four guys over the last two years. She can't go too long without kissing someone. She'll have separation anxiety." Aria says and walks off.

Hanna leaves with her, and their heels click loudly against the tile.

Spencer shakes her head at me in disappointment, and walks quickly to catch up with Hanna and Aria.

"Ugh!" I groan, and hit the locker.

I get a few weird looks from people and walk out of the school.

"Fuck school." I mutter.

I get in my car and drive to the hospital.


"Hey, Emily. It's Alison." I say as I walk into her room.

Tyler is sleeping.

"I really need to wake up. The girls are pissed at me, Eden is in a depressing mood all of the time and I am a wreck." I say.

"I made a mistake, and I need you." I cry.

Emily POV:
"Fight, Emily." I hear a voice say.

I look around me.

I'm surrounded by darkness.

"Hello?!" I yell, my voice echoing loudly on my ears. "Who's there?!" I shout.

"Fight, Emily." The voice repeats.

I squint and see a bright light forming in the distance.

I run towards it.

It gets bigger.

"Hello?!" I scream once more.

I keep running towards the light until it consumes me.

The light blinds me and I hear a long, continuous beep.





(Please no inline comments on these. Lol.)

Tonight's episode made me what to strangle someone. Mostly Lorenzo and Marlene.

I'm on Kenneth's side, here.

Emily got a tattoo! I wonder if we'll be able to see it. Good China. I want to see that. 😉😏

Spoby sexting. Lmao.

Dean is back. abs

I don't know, honesty.

Comment your thoughts.

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