Chapter 55: Positively Positive

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I'm almost out of prewritten chapters. I cry.


Hanna POV:
"Well...Care to explain?" Alison asks.

"Well...You know how two people of the opposite sex love each other and-"

"Hanna!" Spencer cuts me off. "This is serious!"

"...I know." I sigh. "It's not like it's going to be hard. Alison has two babies!"

"Neither of them were planned! Do you know how hard it is taking care of another human being?! You can barely take care of yourself!" Alison yells.

"I can control myself, you stupid bitch!" I snap at her.

"Oh, I'm the stupid bitch?!" She yells angrily. "Hanna... God, I can't with you! Sometimes you are so... Ugh!" Alison groans.

"I can take care of myself and a child!" I yell at her.

"You done even-"

"STOP!" Emily yells, cutting Alison off. "Both of you need to shut the fuck up before I slap you!"

Alison sighs and rolls her eyes and I stand there looking at Emily.

"Have you had mood swings?" She asks me.

"Did you not just see the one I had with Alison?" I joke.

"You know what I mean." Emily sighs.

"Kind of."


"Besides Caleb?" I ask with a smirk. "Yes, actually. Chocolate and pickles mostly."

"Morning sickness?" She questions with furrowed eyebrows.

"...Once or twice." I say after thinking about it for a little.

"Did you miss your period?"

"...I don't-SHIT!" I blurt out.

"Calm down." Emily tells me.

"Guys, she may not even be pregnant." Emily tells Spencer, Aria and Hanna. "Maybe it's a false positive. That's common."

"How late are you?" Spencer inquires.

"Uh...I never got it this month!" I whisper yell. "My mom is going to fucking kick me out of the house. She is going to literally kick me out and throw all my shit out my bedroom window." I panic.

"You might be pregnant, you didn't cheat on anyone." Emily jokes.

"I would've expected something like that from Hanna." Aria giggles.

Spencer gives her a look saying "seriously? You're doing this now?" and Aria clears her throat and looks down.

"Let's just go to the clinic, that way we know for sure." Emily suggests.

"And you would expect that from Spencer." Aria pipes up.

Alison and Spencer roll their eyes and Emily chuckles.

"Tough crowd." She mutters to Aria and me.

Aria and I both giggle and we all walk to Spencer's car.

I sit in the front with Spencer, and Aria, Emily and Alison are all in the back.

"Okay. We're here." Spencer says after twenty minutes of driving.

We all get out of the car and I look up at the large sign.

Rosewood Clinic

I sigh, and we all walk inside.

"Guys, what if I am pregnant?!" I say to all of my friends.

"We'll all be here for you." Aria assures me and puts her hand on my knee.

"Thanks, Ar." I say quietly.

"Of course." She smiles.

(A/N I honestly love Haria)

"Marin!" A lady calls out.

"This is it." I announce to my friends. "Emily, come with me." I pout.

Emily giggles and stands up.

"Alison, come." She says to the other blonde haired, blue eyed girl.

"I need you to lay back. I'm going to put this gel on your stomach. It might be a little cold." She tells me.

"Thank you...Bridget." I say, reading her name tag.

She puts the gel on and rubs it around with the monitor thingy and I shiver.

"Okay... Lets see." She whispers.

Everyone is quiet until Alison speaks up.

"You're pregnant." Alison says nonchalantly.

"How do you know?" I ask worriedly.

"I've had two babies. I literally studied every sonogram and picture and all that stuff." She says simply.

"Miss Smarty Pants here is right." Bridget says. "I see a sign of a baby, and there's a quiet, yet steady heartbeat."

"Really?!" I shriek.

"Yeah." Bridget speaks.

"The test said positive." I say.

"And the test was right." Bridget says.

"Oh... my... god!" I breathe.

"What?" Emily and Alison ask in unison.

"First of all, the baby didn't die or something. Just you know... Second, I'm pregnant." I tell them.

"But you were so worried." Emily says confused.

"I really wasn't that worried. I think it was just the adrenaline or something." I laugh.

"What if you hadn't been pregnant?" Alison questions me.

"Then I would not be a mom." I say simply, and shrug.

Emily nods her head and Alison just stands there.

"Alright. Let's go." Emily says and walks out of the room.


"Well?!" Aria and Spencer say in unison.

"I'm pregnant." I tell them.

"Really?" They say in unison.

"It was a positive." I tell them.

"Oh... So, that means you can't drink!" Aria frowns. "No more drunk Hanna for the next nine months.





I honestly didn't know what to write so I just added these two chapters in.

Hanna wasn't supposed to be pregnant, so I had to change this whole chapter to make sense because everyone seemed to want a baby Haleb.

It doesn't even make that much sense because I had to rewrite it.

I know what I want the gender to me. But, you never know.

Names? Gender?

Vote, comment, share and whatever. Jk. You don't have to.

It would be nice if you did.

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