Chapter 28: Another Day

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*i got a name*

Juan week later

Emily POV:
"Hey, babe! I got food!" I say as I enter the hospital room.

Alison and Charlotte are still in the hospital.

"Thank you." She says quietly with a smile and kisses me.

"How much longer until we can get out of here?" I ask.

"About a month." She answers casually.

"WHAT?!" I shriek, my eyes nearly popping out if my head. "Christmas is in a month!" I whine.

"Charlotte be out before Christmas, Emily." Alison assures me. "A few days before, actually."

"Good." I sigh, and sit down on the couch.

"Did the girls visit?" I ask.

"Spencer and Aria did, they took Eden with them to get lunch." Alison answers me.

"What about Hanna?"

"Said she was busy." Alison replies nonchalantly and shrugs her shoulders.

If you haven't noticed, we finally decided on a name.

Charlotte Emilia Easton DiLaurentis.

Well, we couldn't decide, agree, on a name. So now Charlotte has a name that takes a century to say.

Like in the future.

Charlotte Emilia Easton DiLaurentis-Fields.


Two pounds and three ounces, and fifteen inches long.

"Where is Charlotte, exactly?" I ask after a few minutes of silence.

"Doctor Carpenter took her back to the NICU." Alison answers before taking a bite out of her sandwich.

I nod my head, and shove a French fry into my mouth.

"I can't wait until you can go home in a couple of days." I say out of nowhere.

I look up at Alison upon her not answering me, and see her staring blankly at the wall.

"Babe?" I call out.

Alison quickly turns her head and looks at me questioningly.

"Huh?" She squeaks.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask and lightly chuckle.

"Charlotte." She says quietly with a sad tone of voice.

"What's wrong?" I ask concerned.

"Her fever rose higher." She tells me, and my heart drops.

"Emily, what if she doesn't make it?" She questions as her bottom lip quivers.

"Hey, hey. She's going to be fine. She's a fighter. Just like her mom." I say.

Alison gives me a small smile, and continues eating her food.

"This is just another day." I tell Alison.

"What?" She asks confused.

"Another day. We've gotten thorough seven, we'll get through twenty or so more." I say.

We sit there in comfortable silence for the next hour until Spencer, Aria and Eden get back.

"So, I haven't met Charlotte yet. It's been seven days. When do I get to meet her?" Aria asks.

"When shes healthy." Alison says.

"Actually...You might get to right he." I say as I see the nurse coming down the hall with Charlotte in her incubator.

"What?" Spencer inquires.

I point out the open door, and Aria jumps out of her seat.

"We decided to being her in before she had to go into surgery." The nurse says.

"Surgery?" Alison, Spencer, Aria and me question at the same time.

"Doctor Carpenter hasn't told you yet?" She asks, almost scared.

"No!" Alison says in worry. "What's wrong with her?!" Alison snaps.

I know it's worry, sadness and fear, not anger.

"We found there's a little bit of blood in her belly." She tells us. "We just need to get it out. It's simple."

"Yeah, but she's not! She's tiny! She's fragile!" Alison yells.

"She's a fighter. Just look at her." Spencer says, trying to calm Alison down.

I look down at Charlotte and see she has her arms raised in the air, and her leg out like she's going to kick something.

Alison has tears falling down her cheeks, and sits down on the hospital bed.

"It's just another day...Just another day..." She whispers, trying to calm herself down.





Since the baby was early, and she's so tiny, she could die.

I mean...A LOT of you didn't want her to have another baby.

And Alison and Emily would be so sad! And Eden because she doesn't have her sister!

*guilt tripping you*

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