Chapter 77: Broken Cries

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*pretend the girls didn't hear the assholes name on the news*

I just ran across half a football field, well what I think is equal to half a football field while wearing jeans and all black and black high top converse. Uphill. After having just taken my dog on a walk across that field. And running with her. Twice. And through an uphill alley. Three times. I'm so sweaty. 😩😷 on another note, earlier when I took my dog in the first walk if the day, she started running down a small hill across the street and I was running like a person does while going downhill and I was pulling on her leash trying to slow her down and the tip of my shoe hit the ground and I tripped and fell and skidded across the dirt a grass a little. 😂 I scratched my right elbow. And I stood up and just started laughing and then went home, washed my arm, and continued the walk. I THINK I HAVE ADHD. Okay. Enjoy. :) *laughs evilly* 😈 *rubs hand evilly* 👏🏻


Alison POV:
"I got a text and we're going to get Eden and Charlotte back." I tell the girls with determination.

"What? How? From who? When did this happen?" Hanna rambles.

"Jake texted me." I say quietly as I drive down the road.

"Jake as in...Jake?" Emily questions.


"What the hell?! I thought he was in prison!" Aria exclaims.

"Yeah, I thought he was, also. But he said something about having friends on the inside." I tell them.

"When did all of this happen, exactly?" Spender inquires.

"Last night." I sigh.

After twenty minutes, we arrive at the address Jake told me to go to.

"Creepyyy!" Hanna says in that voice people tend to say when saying creepy.

We all step out of the car in the dark alleyway. It's already nine in the night. The girls have been gone for over twelve hours. There's a noise, like a dumpster closing or a balloon popping and all of us jump and shriek.

We close the doors and start walking towards the entrance.

"Can we call the cops or something? This place is giving me the heebie jeebies." Hanna shudders.

Spencer slowly opens the door and Toby steps in first, holding his gun up. "There is a cop here." He says before disappearing into the darkness of the room.

Spencer goes in next, then CeCe, Hanna, Caleb, Emily and me.

We walk all the way into the middle where the moonlight is shining through the skylight. We stand there, looking around when suddenly the lights turn on.

"Hey, Ali. I see you brought your friends." Jake smiles, "and your girlfriend."

"Where are Eden and Charlotte?" I snap and Jake chuckles.

"Oh, Ali, Ali, Ali. That's not how it works." He says. "They're my daughters. I deserve to spend time with them." He says.

"How did you get out?" I ask.

"My friend. Lorenzo, come on out!" Jake says.

A tall man walks out with a sickening smirk on his face.

"God, you're ugly." Hanna blurts out. "And old."

Lorenzo drops his smirk and starts walking towards Hanna, but Jake stops him.

"Later." He says.

I hear a cry and instantly know it's Charlotte's.

I start walking towards the sound but Jake stops me. "No, no, Ali." He says.

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