1| Camila Cabello✔

Start from the beginning

It's also insanely expensive, not kidding here, it does cost a fortune to be able to attend such a school if you're not here on a scholarship, so I figured that most of the students that attend here are rich kids too. It's kind of going to be nerve raking, because I don't think I'll be able to fit in much with these people 'cause I'm such a simple person and I don't enjoy being a rich kid as much as I probably should. But at the same time, I think it'll be a little bit better than my old school, and I might be able to find people I can relate to and actually make friends here.

At the public school that I used to attend last year, nobody really knew anything about my background - at the orders of parents, of course - and I had no problem with that. I didn't want people to be friends with me for a while just because I come from a well-known and then turn their backs on me as soon as it all withered away. And yes, that's exactly how fake some people - or most of them - can be. I wanted real friends who were willing to stick with me and be there for me when I need them, and I knew that school was no place for such people. Except for certain two girls.

Sandra and Marielle. They're sisters, and have been my best friends since we were in third grade. The three of us are really close to each other and have been since the very day that we met. I've never had friends like them in my whole life, so leaving them was definitely a tough thing to do. They're absolutely irreplaceable, and I know that I'll never find friends like them if I lived a million years. They've been all that I had since the third grade, but they were more than enough for me, I didn't really need that many friends as long as I had them, but now that they won't be so close anymore, I think that this the right time to branch out and meet new people. It'll be kind of hard to function in a school this big on my own.

Sandra and Marielle know me like no other, and have seen me at my absolute worst just as much as they've seen me at my best. It'll be difficult to find people as loyal and caring as them here, or anywhere, really. I have no idea how I'm going to function here without them, the three of us used to always do everything together, so being here on my own without them is definitely going to be hard these first couple of weeks.

As if she knows I'm thinking about them, my phone vibrates in my hands and I look down at it to see a text from Sandra.

hey mila :) i know that i just saw you yesterday and we were laughing at hilarious cat videos and munching on popcorn on your couch last night, but i just wanted to say that marie and i miss you so much already and that this shitty school will never be the same without you. but we're really glad that you finally got away from it all and are about to start a better and cooler school year at MIMA. i know you're going to make a lot of friends over there, but please don't forget about marie and i. And please please PLEASE don't change for anybody at all mila, promise me that. you're an incredible person just the way you are and we love you that way. have fun on your first day, and don't forget to fill me in on everything that happens later on! we love you <3.

I find myself smiling so wide at the message that I think my face will stay stuck like this forever as my fingers waste no time speeding across the keyboard to type in a reply.

sandy! i miss you two already as well :'( i would never forget about you, you guys are my best friends! and i promise you i won't change while I'm there just as long as you two do the same. of course! i'll to tell you everything via face time later tonight. please take care of yourselves and tell Marie i said hi. love you and hope to see you soon. we'll stay in touch <3

I lock my phone and sigh heavily as I look out the window at the road. God, how I'm gonna miss them.

The sun is just about to rise fully as we near the academy, painting the sky in captivating shades of red, orange, yellow, pink and purple. The closer we get to the academy, the tighter the knot in my stomach gets. This is going to be a lot scarier than I thought it would. This school is huge, and it has numerous students. Fitting in is going to be hard, especially for someone as shy as I am. Meeting new people was never really my thing, I've always had these thoughts when speaking to people for the very first time, like "What if they don't like me?" or "What if they think I'm weird?", which I know is irrational, but at some point, I believed that everybody around me secretly hated me and thought that I was the most annoying person ever. I have no idea why I felt that way, but I just did. And that's why meeting new people at MIMA is an intimidating experience for me.

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