Her head goes down with her back still towards me. Turning I could tell the poor thing wanted to burst into tears but didn't.

She walks up to me now in frustration looking up, "What are you doing here Ace?"

Her aura seemed stressed having no time for any games of sort.

It was my dumb actions once again underestimating the girl who had probably made the same exchange before. I knew Willow was not ignorant, but I couldn't help the fact that I worried about her, hating to admit it. Seeing someone like her in such a situation made me think she was more naive than anything.

Scratching the back of my neck answering, "I forgot to give you back your phone?"

My lie wasn't convincing, but when she did see it her eyes turned wide and reached for it.

Stretching as high as possible Willow's height didn't stand a chance with my arm raised up, phone in hand.

"Come on, don't be like that. Are you trying to ruin my day?"

I rolled my eyes, she obviously didn't get it. "Do you not understand? I still want my answers."

She stopped reaching and gave me glare. "I don't know who the heck you think you are but last time I checked you're not my-

The look of rage that was once ther vanished and replaced with grief.

"Forget it. You want it, keep it, I don't care anymore."

Turning around the way I came she just kept her head low and began walking.

Lowering my hand, I went after her. "Look I never meant to find it at my place. It's just I had to do some business with someone around here and found you." Trying the best I could to persuade the girl my lie was true.

Stopping, her head turned towards me and questioned, "Oh yeah? What kind of business, and who are you doing business with, huh?"

"Don't you think I'm smarter than that? Stuff like that is classified miss, you're not getting anything out of me." Smirking because I knew what she was trying to do, and that was catching me in my own dishonesty.

Shaking her head and mumbling, her legs moved again in the same direction my cab had come.

This time I didn't go after her and just spoke aloud, "Oh what's this? A text from Lydia."

Stopping again the back of Willow's head rose up as she walked in my direction, furious.

On tippy toes her eyes pierce through mine. I swallow at our proximity and the heat our bodies were producing.

"What are you trying to prove?"

What she spoke had a lot of warning added to the tone, which scared me. Although Being 6'5, height gave me an exceeding amount of leverage.

This time I closed the space between us, "I'm not trying to prove a damn thing. Has it ever occured to you a gaurdian is supposed to protect you, not the opposite?" And my hand lost the phone when it had finally been snatched.

The air finally met my skin as opposed to her warmth surrounding me anymore. Slowly chills met my spine with the bitter wind

"How do I know?"

I look at mesmerizing irises that held my attention.

Clearing my throat, "Know what?"

Sitting on the edge of the side walk, her hair almost touches the ground because of it's length. Both hands in the beige sweater she was wearing with the phone.

"How do I know I can trust you. A random stranger that all of a sudden wants to know every aspect of my life."

Lowering myself next to her, "It's not like that.....Well-

The phone rang, instantly Willow is to her feet and answering it.

Right away, she answered drastically as if some emergency had occured.

Frustration filled me when her legs appeared to go in a running motion.

Then moments later after every response being a yes, Willow took off hurriedly.

"Where are you going?!" I yelled.

No efforts were made to reply, going as fast as I'd seen a girl run. She was not looking back at me whatsoever.

My fists clenched regretting my desicion, but her choice to run and not address what was going on belonged to the girl who made it.

What enraged me more was that I actually had the nerve to care for a minute. Considering it all, I didn't want to push it anymore. Being a hypocrite was not right, had she done the same thing shutting down would've been my immediate action.

If Willow was okay with what had happened for who knew how many years of abuse, I had to let it go.

In particular, to leave my interactions with her behind was it.

Things had gotten out of control, and that's what I didn't want.

Running fingers through every strand of hair on my head, the feeling of anxiety and adrenaline refused to go away.

Recalibrating everything, I tried finding the one source that momentarily took every negative emotion away.

Hey Peeps,
Kinda one of my least favorite chapters, simply because not a lot occurs in this one between Wace (Willow + Ace). Hopefully you all enjoyed it.



P.S. I'm at school right now and got bored lol

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