Chapter 62

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As we exited the complex, Willow's eyes glanced over to my figure more than once. Not in the way one would expect in admiration or just a peripheral view. Moreso in wonder as though in a perplexed state.

However, my focus stayed strictly on the sidewalk as we passed different buildings bustling with people left and right. Outside was pretty clear, luckily, and the sun was hardly peeking over the clouds to see us, obviously not as bright as it was earlier. My heart sped up at the thought of actually being able to finally spend some time with Willow. I felt like we never had any time to just enjoy each other's company without outside forces preventing us.

My peripheral caught on to her scrutinizing irises again, this time I simply came out with what was on my mind.

"The first time I saw you wear a dress was the first day we met. How come you don't wear them more often?" Things hadn't grown awkward but I felt like this was the exact definition of social suffocation.

Her back stiffened as if I had caught her staring at me or she realized I wasn't that ignorant to not notice. She of course answered, "I don't know. Dresses were never really my thing and seemed too proper for me. Jeans are much more casual. Why is it I hardly see you where collared shirts? They suit you." Even though my eyes weren't on her, I could practically imagine her blush because of the last part spoken so quietly I barely could pick it up.

"Like you with dresses, they seem so proper. I imagine we both went outside of our style on this one," I said adjusting my collar and peering down at her observant eyes.

Pink lace that pronounced such an accentuated figure had me borderline drooling. Out of respect I didn't form much of an opinion on that given how modest Willow always was.

She let out a small laugh, "Where's a red carpet when you need it?"

That had me thinking, "Has it ever crossed your mind to pursue a career that could get you there?" In all honesty I had no idea where this was going but it always felt like a paradox talking to her. I didn't favor letting people in but when it came to everyone else, I absorbed things like a sponge.

"Like acting?" She asked. The softness of her hand brushed mine unintentionally. Despite wanting to take action, seeing her possibly uncomfortable at my forwardness wasn't worth it.

I shrugged, "Could be anything really. Ranging from singing, acting, modeling, etc." The last one sparked curiosity for a hot second. Such a statement being formed in any portfolio of five foot one Willow had me... intrigued.

"Hm, never really given it much thought. My size doesn't really do much in terms of modeling and singing to me is like closing your closet doors at night. I don't have to but for Ryan, absolutely."

Lowly, I chuckled. "Nice analogy. I'm serious though, you're voice is so strong and soft at the same time. There's such a unique quality about it..." I trailed off.

Willow's head ducked down in timidness, "Thanks Ace. You're the first one to ever encourage me in terms of singing. But don't be so modest. Any magazine would be honored to have a six foot four Italian on the front cover."

Now it was my turn to blush, my ears grew warm. I proceeded to smile down at her, then a deliberate question fell from my lips. "What do you plan on doing after high school?"

Her mouth opened but words didn't come out immediately. "Well... Ofcourse get my own place. Hopefully earn a scholarship as I've tried so hard to do. Try to start paying for my mother's hospital bills and making sure she heals, visit Ryan and possibly become a CPS investigator."

The last part took me off guard. However, I understand why. "That's good to hear. Improving children's lives for the better that is." I didn't want to dive deeper into the touchy subject of her mother, especially in public. For some reason, I felt the slightest desire of being apart of that future. Quickly, I hushed my impractical thoughts.

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