Chapter 43

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I walked home trying to mentally map out a route to get there. Thoughts in my head flooded through. I was on a mission.

After witnessing what Tony and Alyssa had, I realized that's what I wanted. Not just because it appeared perfect but because the one girl I could see myself doing that with was in fact Willow.

My mind no longer cringed seeing it. Only foreshadowing an image of us doing the same. Alyssa made me realize I had no time to hurt anymore. A youthful glow can only last but so long and Rachel would get what she deserved in due time. Until then I had to let it go. Release all of the angst and pent up rage before I'd even be able to face Willow Andrews.

Cars flew by as I paced on the side of the road. Trying to wrap my head completely around the idea of what I planned to do.

Automatically, I wanted to find a back alleyway to maybe partake in a good street fight. Earn extra cash while attempting to rid myself this ball of nerves and confusion. But I wasn't in New York anymore. Shit like that didn't just pop out in front of you in Virginia, like it did there.

Willow wasn't what I wanted. Deep down I wanted someone to come along after Rachel and obliterate my heart completely proving to me that love did not exist. That what I had for Rachel was purely my vulnerability and weakness resting bare for her to see and take advantge of.

All prior thoughts of that vanished. Willow made it so I could have a hint of hope for once. She did not use me nor tolerate me for something she desired. Only asking for an escape just like I was.

I raced to a local busy gas station, unlike the one Willow and I had visited a time before. Chips were stacked high in rows along with other food items and drinks. Two doors led to a back room that older people went to, coming out with a six pack of beers in hand.

Music lit up the place with earlier hits of Maroon 5. People occupied a long line. Annoying toddlers rang a minute later. I practically shadowed over every woman in there along with a few guys. A man had a permanent scowl etched on his face not liking my towering height. His lady friend on the other head appreciated it with a half-hearted lustful glint in each blue eye.

No one had no more than five items and my turn came up pretty quick. A young teen girl who resembled Rebecca Black almost had to completely turn her head up at me. 'Marissa' was her name given the nametag on her uniform shirt.

"How may I help you Andre the Giant?" She asked while smacking gum between her lips.

"I'd rather not be compared to a seven foot four ogre, and kindly ask if you can let me borrow a phone," I said.

Marissa rolled her eyes, "Fine. But I'm going to have to run it by my manager."

Great. All I needed was to phone Leo and get back to Meadow Hills Terrace. Sighing, "I can wait," willpower was what it took to not grit my words at the ignorant brat.

She clearly expected me to leave after that until rolling her eyes again groaning in annoyance. Too bad.

I stepped out of line off to the side so that other customers could atleast be attended.

"Jack get in here!" Marissa called to the back of the store in agitation. "And get mom in here while you're at it!"

When she faced front again ready to ring up an older woman's items, a certain facial expression of hers was very familiar.

Two minutes later as the young teen assisted another person, two other employees entered in. A dark haired woman who had wrinkle lines around her bright blue eyes. Matching the woman's eyes, stood a dark-haired boy who also resembled her, much like Marissa. They all had a trademark, with the same eyes and chin.

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