Chapter 54

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Willow's POV~

Confused, angry, dumbfounded, a tinge of jealousy, and the list goes on.

"Food does not have to consent, but to be clear, I'm not interested. Maybe if you knew how to carry yourself, that's a whole 'nother deal.."

An open invitation just hung in the air, a hint of suggestion. Truthfully, I didn't want to leave so soon. Although, standing by while the one guy I felt the most for flirted rather blantantly in front of me didn't taste well.

So many of my inquiries were left unanswered. His tattoo was unlike anything I had ever seen inked on someone's skin. It was... enchanting.

The way of design was so elequently drawn out and configured, the amount of details... haunting.

Moments after I had left, a door slammed and then another followed by whimpers. I didn't know whether Ace's apartment was where it came from. Honestly, the amount of angst I was in about his comment clouded over any curiosity.

I was in a haze of bewilderment, unaware of how to approach something like this. Ace revealed a snippet of himself to me and I would cherish it as best I could. This Jared was his only friend who either left him or betrayed him. Such a sad thing to go through when the one person you count on leaves you high and dry.

The details were obviously too much for him but I was happy he atleast told me that much for the sake of knowing eachother better.

It was Sunday which meant Ryan would come over after school the following day. I worried about him all the time, he had seemed to love the company of Ace the first time they met. Ryan usually visited one week out of the month. Which isn't the slightest bit as much an actual parent would see their child. Although, after the court found out about Lydia's recklessness, she was lucky to even have visitation rights.

Ofcourse Lydia rarely stopped by to check in on him or even see the little munchkin. I sincerely hoped she would stay away as long as possible given the circumstances she left.

My hand grasped a knife from the cutting board since I was preparing dinner as usual. The tomatoes were almost completely diced until she walked in.

When her fist rose I acted irrationally. Ace had told me to stick up for myself, that didn't mean threatening my mother's sister. Without realizing I had shot the blade out and closed my eyes, the sound of the front door slamming shut knocked me out of my fearful haze. The last look Lydia sent me would permanently etch into my mind for Lord knows how long.

Shaking my head of the memory, I grasped my paint brush and dabbed the color green. Feeling it in my hand again gliding away on my canvas filled me with exhilaration and inspiration.

Somehow, I always found myself painting different species of birds, cardinals, eagles, bluejays, etc.

Moreover, my latest piece was of one flying far off into the distance retreating to its nest. I felt a huge part was missing yet ignored it and continued. The project for art was due the next day and I felt nervouseness course through me at revealing a very personal form of art.

My mother graced the canvas and that was already enough invasion of privacy to begin with. Curiousity formed in my mind on what Ace painted, if he actually did it.

Our tutoring sessions were a bit... intimate at times but surely it was all fun and games. Then again, his quick glances or that irresistible smirk pulled at my heart strings as if something was there. Like light at end of the tunnel where I could actually see myself having a future, he gave me hope. And all at once my mood lifted and heart rate sped up against my chest at the mere sight of him. He had me tied up in a whirlwind of emotions such as happiness, unexpectedness, adrenaline. Anything I felt always strummed just a little with him around.

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