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[5:00 P.M]
Mal: hey, E! What's up?
Evie: get reactor tissue sneeze ACHOO!
Mal: ......um..... What?...
Evie: need reactor to work where tissue sneeze ACHOO!
Mal: okay.... You feeling okay?... You seemed a little loopy in class...
Evie: need tissue sneeze ACHOO!!!
Mal: where are you? I have a whole box of tissues.
Evie: got a cold I think... Need that reactor now...
Mal: why do you need a reactor?
Evie: the project... Another tissue now.. ACHOO!!!
Mal: if you have a cold, then you should be resting... Away from people... Are you working on the mind reading thing, with Doug?
Evie: yepchoo
Mal: okay... That's new... You should rest. Come back to our dorm
Evie: I need reactor or thingy go boom.... Need tissue again.. Gonna sneeze in three seconds...
Evie: ACHOO!... Where's the reactor?... Going sneeze again.... Thingy go boom in 20 minutes... Need reactor...
Mal: have Doug take over, and go back to our dorm!
Evie: Doug says we need reactor or thingy go boom... Then sneeze in my room...
Mal: well, Doug needs to let you rest!
Evie: thingy go boom in 15 minutes... Reactor thingy on my desk...
Mal: ugh.... I can take your place. Now come back! NNNNNOOOWWW!!!
Evie: thingy is mind control thingy...
Mal: I... I know... But you need to get better. I can just... Not think about things I don't want people to see me thinking about.
Evie: thingy boom in 10 minutes... Pick up.... Bring reactor.... No boom.... Got any more tissues?
Mal: yes. I'll be there in ten.
Evie: bring reactor... And tissues!!
Mal: I will!

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