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[6:00 P.M]
Carlos: hey, Mal! So... You ever gonna stop shouting at Evie, for.... Whatever it was that you were mad at her? It's been so long.. Why ARE you mad at her again?
Mal: because she's the reason why Audrey found out about everything in the first place!
Carlos: but Audrey hasn't mentioned it anymore, and everyone had forgotten about it! You are the only one who still mentions it!!
Mal: no, you don't get it! She can never keep her mouth shut about any secrets I tell her! That was her last chance, and she blew it.
Carlos: then just don't tell her any secrets!
Mal: well, Lonnie tricked us into seeing each other, and now we're not talking. So no worries about that anymore.
Carlos: uuuuuugggggghhhhhh
Mal: uuuuuuugggggghhhhhh back. Why must everyone bug me about this?
Carlos: because it's annoying!!!
Mal: then stay out!!! Ugh. You're not going to stay out........ Are you?
Carlos: nope. Guess what I'm doing now?
Mal: I'm out of here.

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