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[4:00 P.M]
Jane: 21 days!
Mal: until... What exactly?
Jane: Christmas!
Mal: Christmas.... Oh! That's that giving thing that Ben told me about.
Jane: yeah. You give people presents, you get presents, you see pretty decorations and lights... It's really magical
Mal: okay....
Jane: it's so fun!
Mal: sounds... Auradonian....
Jane: well.. We ARE Auradonian... So it is. But you're one of us now!
Mal: I'm not THAT far gone... But fine... I'll try out Christmas..
Jane: yay!! I'll go Christmas shopping with you! This is so exciting!!
Mal: wait.. There's shopping involved?... Okay... Starting to rethink this...
Jane: you already said yes meet you at the mall!
Mal: ugh.

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