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[4:30 P.M]
Ben: any luck finding your notebook?
Mal: nope. Still missing
Ben: bummer. Well, I'll keep looking. Everyone seems to be missing stuff lately
Mal: yeah..... It's.... Strange
Ben: why do you say it like that?
Mal: Because so many people missing things isn't a coincidence. Someone is stealing them
Ben: but who?
Mal: that's what I'm working on
Ben: look, let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe it is just a coincidence
Mal: you know you agree with me
Ben: well... Actually... I may have kind of already come to that conclusion.. But you can't tell my parents or the FG yet.
Mal: wouldn't think of it. They'd just panic and blame us.
Ben: exactly. I'll keep my eyes out for any suspicious activity
Mal: I will too. Will report back if I find anything
Ben: okay. Thank you
Mal: thanks back

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