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[8:00 P.M]
Evie: so... Mal... Whatcha wearing? I can't wait any longer!!!
Mal: oh.... You'll see....
Evie: yes.... I'll see NOW
Mal: nope. You'll see at the party
Evie: no... I'll see... NOW
Mal: No you won't >:)
Evie: yes, I will O:)
Mal: sorry, blueberry. You won't
Evie: what did I tell you about calling me blueberry?!
Mal: what did I tell you about not caring?
Evie: oh snap.... You're calling me Blueberry... I don't like that name...
Mal: I know... Duh..
Evie: can't you just call me Evie?
Mal: why do you think I'm calling you it? It's not because you love it, I'll tell you that
Evie: yeah... I know..
Mal: good. Let's just say..... You won't be able to recognize me... Nobody will >:)
Evie: okay... I'm scared... And I wouldn't leave our room if my costume wasn't so pretty...
Mal: what are you going as?
Evie: you don't know?
Mal: no... Would I be asking if I did?
Evie: I guess not... I'm going as my fav person from Auradon history.
Mal: Snow White? XD
Evie: ha ha. No... I'm going as Little Red Riding Hood, the girl with the prettiest dress in the history of ever! It's a fashion DO! Don't tell Doug... But I convinced Doug to go as Big Bad Wolf... And he doesn't know I'm going as Little Red...
Mal: .... Okay then... See you in an hour, at the party! I need to go do my nails.
Evie: WHAT?! You're actually DOING YOUR NAILS?!?!?
Mal: yeah.. I needed purple and green... So.. I took yours
Evie: wait... The forest green or meadow green?
Mal: ... The green one...
Evie: Forest or meadow?... Ugh... Darker or lighter?
Mal: like I'd know! It was green! It was about the same shade my mom wears, if that helps
Evie: so..... Forest green. Good. I don't like that one... But I like the meadow
Mal: sure I guess... And I had the purple, so I just took your green.
Evie: keep it. It's ugly. I don't know why I have it...
Mal: okay... I'll keep it then.. I could use it more often. I only have purple and black.. Green goes perfect with those! Anyway... Gtg. I'll see you in an hour.
Evie: okay... Bye

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