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[2:00 A.M]
Evie: M!
Mal: did you find something?!
Evie: yes!
Mal: well, who was it?!
Evie: that's just it...
Mal: what did you do?..
Evie: nothing....
Mal: Evie....
Evie: the person found the cameras and shut them down! Please don't kill me!
Mal: it's not your fault
Evie: ... Old Mal would've killed me...
Mal: well, I'm new Mal. I just don't see how that person knew we had invisible cameras set up..
Evie: well... You could've found all of the hidden cameras..
Mal: yes, but that's because my mother.. Wait..
Evie: M... You okay?..
Mal: my mom only knows one other person who knows that trick..
Evie: who?!
Mal: ... I just don't see how they could be here..
Evie: spill!
Mal: E...... We have a secret VK among us...

The End

Mal's TextsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora