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[4:30 P.M]
Jay: hey, Mal!
Mal: hey! What's up?
Jay: not much.... Well, actually...
Mal: ... Yes?....
Jay: Ben just seemed distracted today... And you spent the whole class time.... What's the word.... Doodling
Mal: so? I do that all the time, and who knows why he's distracted
Jay: it's just that.... Ben was also muttering.... As were you..
Mal: okay... What are you getting at?
Jay: I'm getting to that. Ben was muttering something about you.... And you were drawing something about you and Ben...
Mal: how would you even know? You were across the room from me.
Jay: I also have your pen... So you were saying?
Mal: ..... Why do you have my pen?...
Jay: because how would you believe that I saw your paper otherwise?
Mal: which pen? I have so many.
Jay: the purple one with the dragon on it
Mal: that's my favorite pen! That's where it went.... Give it back!
Jay: I will tomorrow
Mal: fine, whatever -_-
Jay: so.... Why were you drawing Ben?
Mal: I just draw things I think of
Jay: well, you were thinking of Ben.... And a heart apparently..
Mal: you're trying to blackmail me, aren't you? At least think of something I've actually drawn
Jay: what do you mean?
Mal: if you're trying to blackmail me, at least use something I've actually drawn... Don't make stuff up to make me sound like a princess.. -_-
Jay: oh... I've been working on that.. It was something along the lines of.. You and Ben.. And text on it that said, "Did I mention I'm in love with you?... Am I?.." And a heart over Ben's face.. I had Doug make an edit as an example.. *sends edit*
Mal: what?!? What is that?!
Jay: Doug is an expert with graphics... And I got a VERY clear view of the picture you drew..
Mal: how?! You're across the room from me!
Jay: did you REALLY think I forgot my notebook? I didn't, I wanted to see what you were drawing
Mal: ...... Well played..... -_-...... I figured you were up to something, I just figured I hid my drawing... And for the record, I am not confirming that I drew that! Why would I draw something that... ELCH... Mushy?
Jay: because... As Evie told me.. "She REALLY likes him.." Lol.
Mal: .......... Evie.......... Is a dead blueberry...
Jay: yeah..... She is working on the mind thingie
Mal: why?...... I thought they finished that...
Jay: nope. Didn't work. That's why they were in the lab for so long... Part of it...
Mal: guessing the other part is they both have a deadly case of a sickness known as, "love sick"
Jay: good one. Hey!!! Don't change the subject!!!
Mal: ha. You have to admit, that almost worked
Jay: yes it did. And now I'm going to talk to Ben... Get something out of him before I interrogate you.... You got better since we were on the Isle
Mal: gee.... I wonder why.. Maybe because I have you guys always trying to blackmail me..
Jay: yeah.... Ha ha.... I'll give you your pen tomorrow
Mal: yeah... Because a pen will make up for this... -_-
Jay: no... I just want to keep my head..
Mal: yeah... Watch you back.. And tell Evie to do the same... >:)
Jay: okay... Bye!!

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