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[8:00 P.M]
Mal: EVIE! EW!
Evie: what's "EW"?
Mal: I texted Jay... And he pranked me.. And...
Evie: and? I sense a great problem arising..
Mal: I may have accidentally mentioned the whole.. Cousin.. Thing..
Evie: .... You didn't..
Mal: oh... But I did..
Evie: and Jay said BLECH?
Mal: yes...
Evie: it seemed like the Jay thing to do..
Mal: and then I said, "HEY!" And then he said, " I can't say my reason for BLECH.. But it's BLECH!"
Evie: uh... Oh..
Mal: then I said oh dear..
Evie: Jay is terrible at hiding secrets..
Mal: and then I said, "I know your reason for BLECH and it's BLECH! Then we sorta stopped talking... And now it's awkward... And I need your assistance..
Evie: yep. I can see that. You have a boyfriend, and a frenecouscrusher... He seriously needs to stop adding to his title..
Mal: yeah... Don't.. Do that..
Evie: aw... But it's my thing!
Mal: and something makes it even more awkward...
Evie:... What is it?....
Mal: um... Before I met Ben... I may have sorta a little kinda...I may have.. Um.. I'll meet up with you in person.. I don't want to risk it..
Evie: oh I knew what you are going to say... You have secretly despised him.. I understand.. You seemed to do that a lot on the Isle..
Mal: um... Totes! Despised... Ha ha ha ha... *sigh*...

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