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[6:00 P.M]
Mal: Lonnie? Can you teach me to make cookies for my cutie? :) Hee Hee
Lonnie: Teach you what?... For your WHAT?!
Mal: cookies. For Ben. And he's a cutie...
Lonnie: um.... What?
Mal: Ben...... Is a cutie... And I want to bake cookies for him.... Not love potion cookies this time...
Lonnie: I thought you never used the word "cutie" or liked baking... Or cookies..
Mal: people can change... Especially when they've been kissed by the cutest guy in the world.. Yes Hee Hee..
Lonnie: YOU WHAT?!? So THAT'S why you have been acting so weird..
Mal: weird? What weird? Love is just magical..
Lonnie: are you sick?
Mal: no...
Lonnie: confirmed by doctor?
Mal: yes... Evie called one... I'm fine! Just obsessing over my boyfriend..
Lonnie: great... Ben broke you...
Mal: well.. If he broke me, he did it in a cute way!
Lonnie: I give up. If he wants REGULAR you back, he will have to do it himself!
Mal: I'll be down in the kitchen in ten. I think I know how to make a cookie! But not as good as your's..
Lonnie: well.. I guess I could... one thing.. But only because I really what to teach you!

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