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[3:30 P.M]
Evie: FINALLY got my phone back. Geez, Ben and Doug know how to hide things! Now... BEN KISSED YOU AT MIDNIGHT?!?!? EEEEEEPPP!!!!!!
Mal: wait... What?.. Why did they take your phone from you?
Evie: don't change topic!
Mal I'm not trying to change the topic, why did they take your phone?
Evie: I don't know. Back to New Year's Eve!!!!
Mal: hey, I'm not answering anything until you answer my question!
Evie: I. Don't. Know!
Mal: so they just randomly stole your phone from you, and wouldn't give it back?
Evie: yes. Maybe. I don't know. Back on topic, WHAT WAS IT LIKE?!?
Mal: you want my honest opinion?
Evie: duh
Mal: okay.... Don't tell anyone I said this.... But it was honestly the most magical moment I've ever experienced, and my stomach still gets butterflies when I think back on it. <3 <3
Evie: ooooooooooooo
Mal: what?
Evie: a Cupid has struck hard.....
Mal: yeah right
Evie: tell that to your PINK heart emojis
Mal: ack! I used pink. Oh darn... I'll never live that down..
Evie: nope... Especially now that I am on your case...>:) :D
Mal: think nothing of it! I must be sick. My stomach has butterflies, I'm sweating like nuts, and my face is all pink. I'm probably just coming down with a sickness.
Evie: yeah. You are.
Mal: good. We're on the same page.
Evie: you're lovesick. XD
Mal: not what I meant!
Evie: you are though ;)
Mal: are not
Evie: are so
Mal: know what. Whatever. I'm off to plot.
Evie: bye, mall
Mal: ......... It's Mal........
Evie: I know. Autocorrect. -_-
Mal: sure.......

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