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[5:00 P.M]
Mal: want to come swimming with Ben, Jane, Lonnie, and me? We were going to ask Carlos, Evie, and Doug too.... But they mysteriously disappeared..
Jay: uh.. Sure.. But why are YOU swimming?
Mal: because... They say it's fun.. And I remember living on an island so... Why would I not want to swim?
Jay: maybe because... Oh I don't know.. You can't swim!! Remember? Oh wait.. You don't.. Well, you tried to drown when we were 10. You were lucky I was nearby....
Mal: I what?!? Who would I... Wait.. I told you never to bring that up ever again!
Jay: wait.. You remember that?!?
Mal: yes! You asked me to go swimming, in the bay near the Isle of the Doomed, and I agreed to go, and you were swimming, but I didn't... And you pulled me in, and I about drowned, and you saved me and said, "you can't swim?!" And I said, "tell anyone and you're dead!"
Jay: yeah... Sorry about that.. But it was hilarious!
Mal: hey.... I remember you! We've been best friends since we were five! And you would always prank me! And we would try to outdo each other, and for the record.... I won... And.... You put me in a ditch when we were twelve... I still have the scars..
Jay: yeah.... But it was fun! You didn't even notice when I dropped you in..
Mal: yeah... I suppose putting a 5' 2" girl, in a 10' ditch was fun.. For you..
Jay: it was fun! A little mean.. But fun!
Mal: for you... -_-
Jay: true. But at least you remember me!
Mal: and!... Wait.. Is that what you meant by, " he seemed very.. Attached.. To you?"
Jay: ... Maybe..
Mal: well.. You could've worded it a little better! Like.. Given me a bit more of a hint!
Jay: .. Maybe I didn't want to..
Mal: I soooooooo want to mess with you right now... But.. Ben noticed my evil smirk face.. And told me to stop plotting... So I can't..
Mal: yes... You're very lucky that I have a boyfriend, who happens to be the king of good... But when he's not around... Watch out >:)
Jay: ha ha.. Ha... Ha.. Bye!!
Mal: bye! Well.. I guess I have to pretend to know how to swim now.. You and Ben... Well... And Evie.. Are the only ones who know I can't.. That I can remember anyway..
Jay: good luck.
Mal: yeah... Thanks... -_-

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