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[7:00 P.M]
Mal: hey! Uh... Doug?
Doug: yes,Mal? Oh, you don't know me... I'm Evie's boyfriend.. You haven't known me for long. Anyway, what's up?
Mal: what is the insanely cute boy's name? I feel like I know him...
Doug: umm... Well... You are either talking about Ben or Jay... What color was his hair?
Mal: Jay? Who's Jay?
Doug: it would take too long to explain....
Mal: okay... Well... I just felt like I know him... I know, I know all you guys.... But I kind of remembered him for a second.
Doug: so.... I'm guessing it was Ben..
Mal: I guess... That sounds familiar..
Doug: Blonde hair?
Mal: no.... Strawberry-blonde ish.... Wait.... Strawberries........ Then there was that girl with the awesome dresses, and hair.... She seems familiar to me...
Doug: Evie. My girlfriend, your best friend in the world. And it's no surprise that you thought of strawberries.. You love them
Mal: I do? I just randomly thought of a strawberry. And Evie... Yeah, that sounds right. Ugh! I wish I could just remember everyone, right now! Doctor said it could take a few days... And if I don't remember then, then my memory could be permanently gone...
Doug: oh, I'm working on that
Mal: what do you mean?
Doug: someone had a mineral that might be able to help. Evie and I are working on making it work on long term memory loss.
Mal: long term!?!? But.... It's just short term... Right?!? I mean.... I remember my name... And... Something about an island... And evil people... And... AH!
Doug: see? Long term. Don't worry. You have a few weeks, and this mineral should be ready in a few days.
Mal: uh... Okay... Sorry, I just remembered a dream or something..
Doug: let me guess... Insanely handsome Ben was in it?
Mal: yes!....... Wait...... BEN!!! I remember him!!! Oh, thank goodness. One down.... Like... Twenty to go....
Doug: wait... You REMEMBER HIM?!? EVERYTHING?!??
Mal: YES!! Well... Bits of it... We went on a date... He sang my name.... Something about a strawberry... A... Coronation or something... Two kisses... And something about him being tired
Doug: it's a start! Now.. You keep remembering.. And I'll go work on that mineral!
Mal: I'll try!

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