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[3:00 P.M]
Carlos: what did you do to Jay?! He's so jumpy! It's getting really annoying... I'M usually the one counting on HIM for protection against the world!
Mal: ha ha. Oh, nothing...
Carlos: Mal....
Mal: plotting
Carlos: and......?
Mal: that's literally it
Carlos: wow.. That's... Wow, Jay..
Mal: exactly >:) just put up with it for a little while.
Carlos: ugh. Fine. But please commence with the plot soon!
Mal: hm... I COULD do that... Or...
Carlos: come on, Mal
Mal: nah... I'm going to do this my way, thank you very much.
Carlos: whatever. I'll just avoid him, until you decide to start the plot.
Mal: you'll be avoiding awhile... But sure.

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