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[5:00 P.M]
Evie: Hey, Mal!
Mal: hi, E!
Evie: are you okay?
Mal: um... Yes..
Evie: you are acting strange.. You actually GIGGLED during lunch...
Mal: oh... Ha.. That... It's nothing..
Evie: it's something... I was afraid you were having a heart attack or something!
Mal: no.... I wasn't... Just thinking..
Evie: about what?!
Mal: stuff..
Evie: you started to look like Audrey.. And in your case, that's bad.. What's up?
Mal: not much... Nothing really..
Evie: tell me... Or I will put blush on you!
Mal: NO! But that might be better.. Would blush bring out my eyes?
Evie: okay... You are sick... I am going to tell Ben...
Mal: I'm not sick! And don't tell him!
Evie: then tell me what's wrong!
Mal: I... Can't..
Evie: tell me... Or I will make you look shiny? I don't know how to respond to this....
Mal: hhhmmmm... Shiny like the sparkle in Ben's eyes?.. Tee Hee.. I mean... ELCH!
Evie: OMG!!!! You are SERIOUSLY crushing on him!!!
Mal: what? *pfft* NO! We're dating though... So DUH!!!!
Evie: looks like you have it hard..
Mal: that's not why I can't focus..
Evie: O.M.G. Did he ask you on a date?!?
Mal: no.. Sorta.. On a date..
Evie: or.. Better?..
Mal: ... NO!... Maybe..
Evie: SPILL!!!!
Mal: .. Never!!..
Evie: Spill!!! Or I will make you look shiny! And NOT the kind of shiny in Ben's eyes!
Mal: the kind of shiny that's... I know nothing about fashion... Okay.. I suppose I could.. But.. It's just so.. Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee...
Evie: please?
Mal: I burst into giggles thinking about it! Oh... Dear.... There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with me...
Evie: tell me, and I can help fix you..
Mal: you would make me worse...
Evie: then tell me and I will leave you alone!
Mal: okay.. So.. On our date.. Last evening... I had strawberry on my cheek.. And Ben... Tee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee.... I mean.. *sigh*
Evie: Ben... What? Can you stop being girly for ONE SECOND and start TALKING?! Coherently??
Mal: he... Did that cute thing... Where he wipes it off my cheek... Then I got some on my lips.. And he... Started wiping it off, like he did before... And then... He.. KISSED me!!!! And I about died.. Wait... I'm being all gross!!
Evie: AAAWWWWW!!! You were right, I would've made you worse...
Mal: yes. You would've... But it was my very first kiss! And I.. I.. I... I..
Evie: and you?
Mal: liked it.. Maybe..
Evie: you liked it a lot... Didn't you?
Mal: NO!... Okay.... Yeah... But you can't tell anyone!
Evie: ummm... I won't have to..
Mal: oh NO!!!! Hiding now... Everyone sees this... Everyone heard me acting all girly.... I'm dead!
Evie: I'll go get the shovel!
Mal: WHAT?!? Why?!? Wait.. I won't ask questions.. I'll just let you be weird..
Evie: I'm going to bury every device with the Net on it... I mean, it's what you would tell me to do if we were on the Isle..
Mal: true....

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