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[6:00 P.M]
Mal: Evie! Jay is trying to convince everyone that I'm afraid of happily ever afters!!!!
Evie: ... Strange... Isn't it?... Ha ha..
Mal: ..... What do you know?..
Evie: oh nothing... Maybe... He is spreading those because...
Mal: because why?! What did you do?!
Evie: you told me that you weren't sure you wanted that and it scared you and Jay managed to get it out of me. But I thought he would be quiet but apparently he has to be a loud mouth about it!
Mal: WHAT?! I never would've said I was scared! I'm not scared of anything! And that out of all things!
Evie: yeah... I'm not buying that..
Mal: I mentioned that I wasn't sure I wanted that... Doesn't mean I'm scared...
Evie: except I was watching you text me outside our dorm window... And you looked pretty scared...
Mal: E! I'm NOT scared! I mean... Even if I was... How would you know if I was anyway?! Whoa... Okay... You're creepy...
Evie: either that... Or you were about to pass out. Because your fingers were shaking.
Mal: I wasn't! I was.... I seem to have forgotten what I was doing.... But I was NOT scared!!
Evie: except I have a picture of you after you ran off... And it appears you were very scared
Mal: .... You took a picture too?!?.. Am I ever alone?!..
Evie: not when I'm in Auradon
Mal: oh... Okay... So I'll never be alone..
Evie: nope
Mal: are you spying now?!
Evie: :)
Mal: ... No emojis.. And ANSWER!!! If you're spying.. What am I doing?
Evie: you are doing your Chemistry homework, behind a bush in the garden, because no one will leave you alone.
Mal: ...... Whoa....... Wait... Where are you?!
Evie: I'm behind the tree on the other side of the bush in the garden.
Mal: .... Okay.... I'm moving somewhere else... Geez, you'd think a girl could text behind a bush in private!
Evie: apparently not! I can still see you.
Mal: well then, to settle this... I am not, was not, will NEVER be afraid of anything...
Evie: whatever.... And I can still see you in that tree...
Mal: .... First off.... No "whatever" about it! It's true, believe it! I mean, you can see me! You can tell this does not phase me in the least! Secondly... Quit spying....
Evie: watch out! That branch is loose!
Mal: ah! Now you tell me!
Evie: oops.. Sorry!
Mal: and.. Now I'm on the ground..
Evie: ouch!... That HAD to hurt...
Mal: nope. I feel no pain. My stuff is just messed up now...
Evie: watch out for the pothole in front of you...
Mal: AH! Okay... My ankle is now twisted...
Evie: okay..... I'm leaving now.... This is just sad watching you try to do anything...
Mal: wait! So... You've like.... Seen everything I do?
Evie: yep
Mal: ... Great... Do you spy on everyone? Or just people you want to get gossip about?....
Evie: everyone... Mwahahaha... Bye!
Mal: everyone huh?.. Including Jay?
Evie: yep. He's spying on you too right now..
Mal: WHAT?!? He doesn't always though.... RIGHT?!?
Evie: he's been following you for about three hours now... He's behind the bush you are standing next to..
Mal: okay.. I kicked the bush. That should make him stop.
Evie: good luck!
Mal: you're next.... >:)
Evie: ... Bye!...
Mal: bye!! >:)

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