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[11:55 A.M]
Mal: um... So.... Can I room with you?
Lonnie: uh... I thought you were in the spare room.. Jane told me, whenever I tried to go in there.
Mal: I was.... Then last night, someone discovered me...
Lonnie: who?
Mal: *cough*
Lonnie: O.M.G.... Please don't say Ben...
Mal: ........um...... Okay, I won't
Lonnie: it's Ben... Okay... I'm going to start making cookies... Tell me what happened
Mal: okay..... So, I put the key in, and opened the door..... Then after I turned on the light, I noticed there were boxes and things everywhere....
Lonnie: what? That's odd....
Mal: yeah. So, of course, I was a little curious...
Lonnie: what did you find?
Mal: a box of photo albums
Lonnie: oh! That's not so bad...
Mal: and I opened one, and it was filled with pictures of me... Then I heard a voice say, "what are you doing?" And I screamed, and did my reflex punch.. Then realized it was Ben...
Lonnie: that had to hurt... Is he okay? Wait... Awwwwwww
Mal: I have no idea... What's Awww?!?
Lonnie: it's Ben's photo albums... And he filled one with you! :D
Mal: WHAT?!?
Lonnie: come on... You like that...
Mal: how did you come to the conclusion, that it was Ben's stuff?
Lonnie: because... Ben was in the room... So he had a key... And you only have a key, if you are using that room. It's really very simple. Now, the cookies are ready. So come on down to the kitchen, and have a few.
Mal: okay... I just don't know how he managed to open the door, without me hearing...
Lonnie: I don't know either...

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