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[3:30 P.M]
Ben: hey, Mal! Guess what tomorrow is?
Mal: ... Either some Auradon holiday I don't know about.... Or something else that if you know about, you must be a mind reader
Ben: it's Halloween!
Mal: okay... So some Auradon holiday I don't know about... But I'm liking the name... Continue...
Ben: it's where everyone dresses up, scare people, get candy and treats from people, and parties... Where you scare people.... And do scary themed stuff
Mal: .... Whoa....
Ben: whoa, what?
Mal: first of all.... I LOVE this idea!!! Whoever came up with it, is my best friend! Second of all.... Seriously?... October 31st?.. Like... Really?
Ben: what? What's wrong.. Or right.. With it being on October 31st?
Mal: right! That's amazing! This will be fun... >:)
Ben: what's amazing?
Mal: oh, nothing...
Ben: TTTEELLL MMMEE!! Wow... I'm sounding like you..
Mal: very much so....... <3.. XD
Ben: well, what's so amazing?
Mal: ... Do I have to tell?..
Ben: YES!
Mal: okay.. Fine... But don't make a big deal!
Ben: okay..
Mal: so... October 31st is my birthday... But I've never told anyone!
Ben: okay... Making a big deal now..
Mal: please don't! My mom didn't even tell me when my birthday was... I had to figure it out myself, when I was 12...
Ben: okay.. And I just have to say... Halloween is DEFINITELY your type of holiday.. And apparently your birthday..
Mal: yeah... I'm not really into... Parties... Though... Do they have a big party?
Ben: for Halloween?
Mal: yes
Ben: well, yes... But it's not for any certain person. You just scare people, do games, scare people, get candy and treats, scare people, and have contests. Did I mention you scare people?
Mal: yes you did. I like this... I'm soooooo going to get back at Evie and Jay.. This should be fun.... Especially since you're supposed to scare people! So I'm not being evil!
Ben: well, there is a limit... Like, you aren't allowed to scare people so bad they have a heart attack..
Mal: ..... Awwww..... Where's the fun in that?
Ben: you get to dress up as scary things, and then go around spooking people. Last year, Audrey won the Scariest Costume contest
Mal: what was she?
Ben: a doll. A very, very, VERY creepy looking doll..
Mal: .......... Lame............
Ben: well then, you should try to beat her. She's a three year champion..
Mal: easy! I've DRESSED scarier than that!
Ben: then beat her. I'd LOVE to see her lose finally... She's a gloater..
Mal: ..... >:)........ I have a GREAT costume, that might just scare everyone... Including princess blueberry.....
Ben: okay. Well, try not to scare us to death.... Particularly me...
Mal: everyone might be.... I'll try not to scare you..... But you're cute when you're scared
Ben: thanks?
Mal: ttyl! I need to go make my costume... Not sew it.... Literally MAKE it.... >:)... Wait... More like just TAKE it! Ha ha
Ben: uh.... What?.. No stealing! Wait.. Oh just do it. Beat Audrey
Mal: I'm not stealing... Technically...

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