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[6:00 P.M]
Mal: hey, E! Feeling better?
Evie: yep! Thanks for the reactor by the way.... I wasn't kidding when I said the mind reading device would blow without it..
Mal: oh... Well... That's good... I guess.... Good that you're feeling better, bad that the thing almost exploded....
Evie: yeah.... Why are there so many tissues in the lab?!?
Mal: I don't know. Allergies I guess. It was fortunate for you...
Evie: yeah....
Mal: oh! I have a date with Ben, tonight. But I can talk until then. Just thought I'd let you know.
Evie: cool. Why are you afraid of happily ever after with Ben?
Mal: .... Okay... That was.... Very... To the point... I'm not.
Evie: you are.
Mal: not
Evie: are
Mal: not
Evie: are!
Mal: what's your proof?
Evie: *sends a picture of a text Mal sent as proof.*
Mal: ........ Okay....... You actually have proof...
Evie: duh
Mal: I was...... Just.... I wasn't saying.... I wasn't actually scared.
Evie: those three exclamation points, in the picture, don't agree with that
Mal: .... Well.... I.... Autocorrect
Evie: autocorrect doesn't add punctuation
Mal: ... The new update does... I think..
Evie: I have the new update.... It doesn't
Mal: ... Gggggrrrreeeaaaattt.... Well, I'm NOT scared!
Evie: you can say that.... But everyone else knows it's true
Evie: yep. I'm posting this
Mal: you told EVERYONE?!? If you do... You will seriously regret it...
Evie: I seriously doubt it. You don't know the code into Doug's lab... I can always just lock myself in.
Mal: I can break into it... I have magic... I will use it..
Evie: the door is magic proof..
Mal: I know... But Doug isn't... I can get him to give me the code...
Evie: I can change it from inside
Mal: fine.... Okay... I admit... I was maybe a lllliiitttttllleee... Scared..... But you can't tell anyone! And I'm not saying why...
Evie: whatever. See ya in class!
Mal: yeah, yeah.

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