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[6:30 P.M]
Mal: so... Christmas.... Explain..
Ben: well, it's the season of giving. You give things to people, and feel grateful for what you have. I know that's probably pretty... Shocking... To a former VK.... But please give it a try.
Mal: I don't mind the giving part, I don't even mind the grateful thing... It's the fact that I'm supposed to be joyful that's getting me.
Ben: why? Being joyful isn't terrible. Oh.. This is about Evie, isn't it?
Mal: bingo
Ben: what did she even do?
Mal: you know! She told everyone about the uh... Thing
Ben: see? You don't even remember. Don't you think it's time to let it go?
Mal: well... It's not really.. Ugh.
Ben: it goes deeper, doesn't it?
Mal: stop it
Ben: stop what?
Mal: figuring me out!
Ben: sorry? I guess. So.. What's really wrong?
Mal: she just... Told someone something.. And started a rumor..
Ben: told who what, and what was the rumor?
Mal: nothing. I have to go. Ttyl
Ben: wha.. Mal! You can't just.. Oh well. Ttyl

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