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[5:00 P.M]
Evie: MAL!! I need help! I know I should stay cool, but I'm not staying cool, I'm freaking out, and I don't know what to do!!!
Mal: oookkkaaayyy..... What's the emergency? 
Evie: Doug asked me out! On a real date, not a "study date"
Mal: again...... What's the emergency? Didn't you want this to happen?
Evie: DUH!!! But I'm totally freaking out!!! It's a real date, not a date to please my mom!! Help!!
Mal: um....... I'm not really a.. "Date" expert...... You helped me last time.... Just...... Act like it's not a date..... Act like you normally would around him.
Evie: I normally am using all my conscience effort to not squeal in delight that he is ACTUALLY TALKING TO ME!!
Mal: oh....okay...... Then... Wait... DOUG asked YOU?!?!?
Evie: yes!!!!!!!
Mal: he.... Remained... Conscious?!
Evie: he appeared to be barely keeping himself up...... But yes. He remained conscious.
Mal: wow..... That's an..... Improvement....
Evie: I know!!!! I'm so proud of him!!!! XD
Mal: then.... After he asked you.... Did you squeal?......
Evie: I used everything my mom taught me, and kept myself together until I was in my room.... Then I may have........ Squealed....... For a while...
Mal: oh.... That was you?... I thought it was a fire drill....
Evie: sorry. But I was excited. So... Where are you now?
Mal: heading to the castle... Beast wanted to speak to me about something..
Evie: Oooooo!!! That could be interesting...
Mal: I'm not afraid of anything though.....
Evie: I meant in a good way. You ARE dating his son.
Mal: yeah.......... What were we talking about? Not that I forgot or anything...
Evie: my date. But I have to go.... Audrey is continuously trying to get me to answer my phone..... And I'm tired of it ringing every three seconds...
Mal: okay. Ttyl!

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