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[7:30 P.M]
Mal: Can I room with you?
Jane: uh... Why?...
Mal: I am so ticked by Evie.. If I have to spend one more night with her throwing pillows at me, I'm going to lose it!
Jane: if you room with me, Audrey is going to be the one throwing pillows at you...
Mal: yeah, yeah. Can't be any worse than Evie doing it. So.... Yes or no?
Jane: I say sure. Audrey says, "WHAT?! NO!!"
Mal: aw... Fine.... I'll ask Lonnie... Who is she even roommates with?
Jane: I think Jordan
Mal: huh.. So... All my friends, are roommates with someone who hates me... All else fails, I can just sleep outside
Jane: well.... There IS the empty room, across the hall....
Mal: ... Empty room you say?...
Jane: yeah. Know where it is... I could tell you...
Mal: so... If I were to say... Sleep in this said room... And leave it in the morning... I wouldn't get in trouble?
Jane: nope. As long as you keep your stuff in your original room, you'll be fine.
Mal: ... Hmm..... I may do this... And by that I mean, give me that key, and keep your mouth shut.
Jane: I will.... Don't tell anyone though. Meet me in ten minutes, two rooms down from Ben.
Mal: got it.

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