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[5:00 P.M]
Mal: did Doug finish his project with Evie? He stopped texting me.. And I think he passed out.. But you were around that area so..
Jay: oh yes. Evie texted me. He passed out. Then he woke up, and passed out again. It was hilarious.
Mal: I guess..... Is he okay? They had a... Experimental... Project.. And if he passed out working on it.... That might not have ended well..
Jay: what was it? I asked Evie, she wouldn't tell me. I asked again, she threatened that I didn't want to know. I asked again, and she slapped me.
Mal: some.... Mind reading thing. I don't really know, she wasn't very informative
Jay: really?.... You could get some valuable information from that..
Mal: yeah.... I guess you could..
Jay: and you know a whole lot...
Mal: okay.... Where are you going with this?...
Jay: we could just... Probe... Your mind, and find out some valuable stuff... Maybe some things you are questioning..
Mal: whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up. I'm not letting anyone near me with that.... Thing..
Jay: it's painless! What are you worried about?
Mal: not worried about the pain! I don't feel pain. I just don't want people reading my thoughts. Would you?
Jay: yes.. Wait... What should I answer if I want to survive?..... Um.... No! I don't!
Mal: Dude... Give it a rest. It's not happening.
Jay: please? We need to figure out why.... Valuable info!
Mal: not afraid
Jay: wait.... How did you get that from everything I just said?
Mal: that's why you were asking. Wasn't it?
Jay: no... No.... Why would I do such a... Yeah... You know me well.
Mal: duh. I've only known you since we were like... 5...
Jay: so... Please?
Mal: yeah... No
Jay: don't you want to know? If you knew, Ben and Evie and everyone would stop asking
Mal: well... It's my thoughts... I think I already know the answers you're looking for.
Jay: then... Do something with them!
Mal: I am.... I'm keeping them to myself
Jay: I have to go... Something about Doug looks like he wants to pass out again... It's got Evie worried. And I hope you decide to do something with what you know.
Mal: I am doing something.... I'm not telling you guys. Bye

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