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[5:00 P.M]
Mal: DO WHAT?!? Lol. Seriously, what?
Audrey: you know what I'm talking about...
Mal: no.... No I do not..
Audrey: I'll give you a hint... Ben... NOW do you know?
Mal: Depends.... How do YOU know?..
Audrey: I was told by Jay, who was told by Evie, who was told by.. Oh right, you!
Mal: ...... Evie....... >:(....... I've hated her once... I can easily hate her again..
Audrey: what?... Anyway..
Mal: ugh. Nothing
Audrey: why did you do that?!?
Mal: I don't know. Just stop, and if you mention it to anyone ever again, you're dead!
Audrey: nope.... I'll never quit!!
Mal: well then, I'll continue to threaten you and Evie, until you guys finally decide to shut up about it! I'll just keep doing what I did on the Isle..
Audrey: what did you do on the Isle?
Mal: keep feelings to myself, duh
Audrey: ah... Well.. Good luck hiding your feelings from me... MWAHAHAHAHA! See? I can be evil too :)
Mal: yeah.... That was a terrible attempt at being evil...
Audrey: yeah.... I need to work on that.. It's so hard to be evil!! How do you do it every day?!
Mal: just naturally good at it... >:) speaking of being evil.... Who else did you tell?
Audrey: no one.... Yet.....
Mal: good.... Keep it that way..
Audrey: okay.. I will... But only because I'm terrified of evil you!
Mal: good.. >:) now.... I'll tell Evie to do the same, before word gets out to.. Certain people..
Audrey: you mean Beast? I completely understand THAT fear.. Bye!
Mal: what? No! Course not!.. Bye.. Don't tell anyone else! I need to go find Evie now...

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