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[4:00 P.M]
Jordan: MAL!! What.. Were.. You.. THINKING?!? First, you play with my lamp, then try to do... Whatever it was you were doing!!
Mal: I.. Don't know.. Just leave me alone
Jordan: not a chance
Mal: great....
Jordan: so.... Tell me what happened. And don't think you can come hunt me down.. I'm in my lamp
Mal: I don't know! Audrey just.. Wouldn't stop!
Jordan: wouldn't stop what? I was inside my lamp when you froze everyone... Someone had poured soda in it..
Mal: oh.. Well... I won the costume contest... And she just grabbed the microphone.. And told everyone.. Everything..
Jordan: what's everything?! Stop talking cryptic... That's my thing!
Mal: I don't want to talk about it..
Jordan: that sounds.. Like Jane..
Mal: what? I'm not Jane!! I just don't want to talk about it
Jordan: oh! I guess you don't have to tell...
Mal: thanks. I wasn't me, and I just want to forget about it. Even though nobody else will let me...
Jordan: no, I mean someone posted the whole thing
Mal: WHAT?!
Jordan: that's what I meant, you don't have to tell me... The Web will...
Mal: oh great. It's bad enough that I froze everyone, and almost knocked out Ben! But now it will hunt me even longer than forever...
Jordan: yeah..
Mal: I'm guessing beast and fairy godmother want to have a word with me though...
Jordan: fairy godmother is understanding, beast is shocked, but you are off the hook. Everyone knows now that Audrey went too far..
Mal: good... I guess... Is Ben okay?
Jordan: shaken... But everyone is. I mean, you froze everyone like turkeys.... An analogy my dad taught me, don't ask..
Mal: yeah... Sorry about that... But I meant, because I kind of knocked him into a wall, with my invisible force thing...
Jordan: it's fine. On the bright side, all the soda in my lamp got frozen with the spell, and when the spell wore off, the soda just disappeared. You saved me hours of work. Ben says he's fine
Mal: okay... I hope he is.. I can't believe I did that..
Jordan: neither can... Anyone. Well.. You better now?
Mal: no. But thanks

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