Chapter Thirty Six

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Aria's POV

It was 2am, Spencer stayed with me because Ezra hadn't come home and I was really worried. The other girls left many hours ago now and I was already missing them. I missed being normal teenage girls. But ever since -A that has been impossible. My daze was rudely interrupted by the sound of my mobile ringing.

"Ezra?" I thought to myself.

I picked up the phone and it was a number I didn't recognise. I answered it and was confronted with the voice of what sounded like a man in a very busy environment.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hello, is this Aria Montgomery?" the man says.

"Yes, who is this?"

"Aria it's Wren."

"Wren why are you calling me at 2am and where on earth are you?!"

"I'm at the hospital, at work. Aria, I have bad news."

My heart began to race and my breathing became rapid.

"What? What is it?"

"Ezra has died in a car crash. He didn't feel any pain because he died upon impact. I am incredibly sorry."

"No! No! You're lying! He was bringing the car home from Detroit! He isn't dead! You're lying!" I shout as Spencer snatches the phone and tells Wren that I needed some space.

I begin to sob and sob. I rock back and forth trying to forget what had just happened. Ezra couldn't have died! It's impossible! I was with him this morning and he was fine! He was healthy! He was happy! He fucking proposed! I couldn't believe it. I refused to believe it. I was lying in my fiancé's bed while he was dead. I am lying in my dead fiancé's bed. I am in my dead fiancé's bedroom. His apartment.

I had to leave. I had to go home. To my parent's house.

"Spencer we need to leave. We have to get out of here. Can you drive me to my parent's house please?" I say in a panic.

"Aria, Aria, look at me, you need to calm down and breathe," Spencer says as she grabs my shoulders.

"I can't Spence I have to get out of here,"

"Okay, let's go,"

I pack up some of my stuff as quickly as I can so we can leave. I shut all the lights off in the apartment and close the door. We walk down to Spencer's car and drive back to my parent's house. When we got there I get out of the car and told Spencer to go home. I banged on the door and waited while before my mom got to the door. At this point I was still crying but not as violently as before.

"Aria?! Do you know what time it is? Why are you here so early in the morning?"

"Is dad here? Is he okay?"

"Yea, he got back a few hours ago, he's fine. What about Ezra?"

"Mom." paused because I didn't want to say it out loud. "Ezra got involved in a car accident. He's dead." I shrug my shoulders to try and make it seem like it wasn't a big deal. But it was. It was a massive deal. My mom hugged me and then I pulled away. I pulled the box out of my pocket and handed it to my mom.

"Open it," I tell her. "He proposed this morning before he left,"

"Aria, I am so sorry,"

My mom takes me inside and we sit on the couch. I rest my head on my mom's shoulder and she gently rubs her head against my hair. Like she used to when I was younger.

"I loved him mom," I say. "I-I love him."

"I know honey, I know,"

I continue to cry as my mom gently rubs her head on top of my head. Until eventually I fall asleep.

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