Chapter Twenty Five

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Ezra's POV

We turned around as her fragile body fell to the ground. Everything went in slow motion. Byron grabbed her, the girls gathered round, Ella stood watching me. Mike was frozen watching her as she struggled to stay conscious. Her head was bleeding and her clothes were covered in blood. I couldn't stand there watching her in pain anymore. I picked her up and everyone followed as I frantically tried to find my way out of the woods.

After several minutes of walking past the same trees, I saw a main road and headed for it. I didn't know how to feel. I didn't know what I was doing. Everyone behind me was just as scared as I was. I didn't know how long it would take us to get to the hospital to get her treated but I carried on walking anyway. By now, she was unconscious but still breathing. Around half an hour later we arrived at the hospital and we ran inside. I bet the doctors were so confused. They saw a man run in the hospital doors followed by four teenagers and two adults and he was carrying what must have looked like a dead girl. She was so pale and covered in blood. By now I was covered in her blood too. I carried her to a bed where she was immediately surrounded by doctors and nurses. A nurse must have thought I was hurt too because I was covered in blood, I explained that it wasn't my blood and I wasn't hurt at all. Just a bit hungry and thirsty. The nurse grabbed all of us sandwiches and bottles of water while we waited to hear if she was okay. They asked for her name so the girls told them because I was too shocked to even comprehend what could have happened. Who would do that to someone? Who could do that someone without feeling all sick and twisted inside? Every now and then the girls would go and check if she was okay. I'd go in occasionally just to make sure she was okay.

A few hours later the police showed up at the hospital and it happened to be Toby and his partner. Spencer and Toby had a moment together as he was relieved she was okay, and the rest of us of course. He never believed he would find us here and then he had to ask us each individually about what happened, where we were and normal routine questions. We all needed to have a check up and we were all fine. But we just needed to rest for a bit. Ella suggested that it would be a good idea if I slept because of how shaky and jumpy I am. I slept for about an hour before I woke up because I couldn't stop thinking about her. About what happened. Why it happened to her. None of us could go see her because she was asleep. Toby called the girls' parents to say that they had been found and they came to collect them. Ella and Byron wanted to stay and refused to let Mike go home alone.

After a few hours of waiting, a nurse came out to see us.

"Are you Aria Montgomery's family?"

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