Chapter Twenty Eight

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Ezra's POV

Me and Aria both agreed that it would be a good idea for me to sleep on the couch considering we were staying at her parents house. It was quite a comfortable couch and Ella had given me blankets so I was warm too. I couldn't sleep so I just lay awake staring at the ceiling. I heard a floorboard creak and just assumed it was someone getting up to use the bathroom. Then I heard someone say my name.

"Ezra? Are you awake?"

I instantly recognised the voice and said: "Yea, I'm awake,"

"Can I come and lay next to you?"

"Of course, come here,"

Aria climbed under the covers and I pulled her in close to me and wrapped my arm around her. She wrapped her arm around mine.

"Are you okay?"  I ask.

"No, you?" she says.


"At least we can get through this together, right?"

"Yes, yes of course we can, I would never leave you,"

"I know, I would never leave you either,"

"But you have to promise me something." I say.

"What?" Aria says with slight anxiety in her voice.

"Don't shut me out, please?"


"Okay, goodnight, I love you."

"Goodnight, I love you too."

I make myself comfortable making sure that Aria is comfortable too and we both fall asleep.

The next morning we both wake up to the house filled with silence.

"Mom?! Dad?!" Aria calls out. No one answers. She gets up, goes to the kitchen and comes back with a piece of paper.

"It says that them and Mike have gone to our hotel room in Detroit to get all of our stuff because they didn't want us leaving Rosewood because -A might come after us again. It also says that we looked so cute while we were sleeping that they just didn't want to wake us." Aria says laughing at the last part. It was nice to see her laugh, see her smile. I let out a small smile. I didn't think this whole situation would have passed so quickly. It was only yesterday that Aria gave birth to our baby girl knowing that we would never get to see her smile, say her first word, teach her to walk, have her first day at school, go to secondary school, go to university, get married or have children of her own. I understand that we can have more children, but after this, I don't think it will be anytime soon. Brooklyn was so small. She could fit into the palm of my hand. I suggested that we spend the day watching movies and Aria agreed. We cuddled on the couch and began watching 'The Proposal'. Aria's favourite movies were romance movies so I had basically signed up for a day of rom-com movies. But anything to keep her mind off of yesterday. Halfway through the movie a tear escaped my eye and Aria turned to look at me.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay," she reassures me.

"I'm supposed to be the one reassuring you, not the other way round," I say with a quiet laugh.

"You're allowed to be upset, she was your daughter too,"

"I know, but you had to give birth to her,"

"I know,"

We both look away from one another and try to carry on watching the movie. I manage to stop myself from crying and kiss Aria on the top of the head to let her know I was okay. We only watched that one movie before Aria's parents returned home with our things. I separated my stuff from Aria's and we came across the ultrasounds.

"We know how hard this is for both of you ," Ella says.

"Thank you, Mrs Montgomery," I say. "I'm going to go back to my apartment and have a shower and try and sort my head out for a bit, is that okay?" I turn and look at Aria for approval.

"That's fine, your entitled to some time alone, we all need it every now and then, just call me later, okay?"

"I will," I say as I walk over the Aria and kiss her. She goes up on her tip toes and wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a tight hug. She hasn't given me a hug like this for months. I cherish the hug until we are interrupted by Byron offering to give me a lift home. I accept his offer and we both walk out to the car. I turn around one last time to see Aria stood in the doorway in a baggy jumper and her messy hair. I got in the car and we drove away.

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