Chapter Eleven

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The doctors said it was okay for me to go home. I'd texted Spencer:

'Hey, can you meet me at the Brew? Can you ask Hanna to come too?


I'd packed up all my clothes and essentials and went home. I went home with my parents and Ezra went back to his apartment. I texted Ezra:

'I'll try to come over soon, thank you for staying at the hospital with me. I love you.

-Aria x'

I got home and my phone bleeped. It was Spencer.

'Hey, sure, see you later.


My parents were anxious about letting me go anywhere on my own so they drove me to the Brew. They wouldn't let me until they saw that I was with Spencer and Hanna. They both ran up to me and hugged me. I didn't realise that I was still aching a bit so I hissed in pain. They both said sorry like they were so worried. We sat down and started talking.

"How are you? We heard you went missing. We weren't allowed to come to the hospital because our parents thought it was something to do with -A. Was it? Was it -A? How come you didn't ask us to text Emily?" Spencer said.

"Woah Spence, give her chance to breathe," Hanna joked.

We all laughed.

"I'm sorry I'm just worried."

"It wasn't -A. Emily isn't here because she already knows the thing I'm about to tell you." I told them.

"Who was it?" Spencer asked.

"What do you have to tell us?" Hanna asked.

"Jason." I said. "But you can't tell anyone I told you, I told the police that I couldn't make out who it was, because if it is connected to -A then he or she will come after me. I can't have that in the situation I'm in."

They both sat there in shock for a minute.

"Wait, what situation?" Spencer asked.

"Well," I said as I smiled to myself, I began to laugh. "I'm pregnant."

"Oh my God Aria!!" Hanna said as she jumped out of her seat and hugged me.

Spencer sat there smiling and laughing.

"I'm so happy for you!" Hanna said. "You do realise that I am going to spoil this child rotten?"

I laughed, I was so happy that my friends were being supportive.

"I'm guessing the lucky father is Ezra?" Spencer said, still smiling.

"Of course," I said.

"Wait, wait, wait you say Emily knew before us?" Hanna said in shock.

"I bumped into her after school after I spoke to Ezra and I told her about my suspicions and she came to get the tests with me," I told them. "I'm sorry you guys,"

"Don't apologise! We're happy for you!" Spencer said.

We sat there for a bit longer then we all went our separate ways.

"We're glad you're safe Aria," Spencer said as she hugged me before leaving. Hanna hugged me too and then we separated. On my way home I noticed Emily. She ran across the road and hugged me.

"Aria! you're home! You're safe! The baby?" she said.

"Yea I got back from the hospital a few hours ago, the baby is fine." I said as I laughed.

"What happened?"

"Jason kidnapped me, the other girls know, I just met up with them and told them about the pregnancy. Don't tell anyone who kidnapped me, I told the police I couldn't make out who it was, if it has something to do with -A I don't want he,she or it to come after me. I'm sorry I have to go I was supposed to be home 5 minutes ago, my parents are probably driving around looking for me." I said as I laughed. I hugged Emily and speed-walked home.

I got home to find my parents sat on the couch with a post-it note. They passed me the note. It read:

You're daughter s keeping something from you, better find out what it is before it's too late.


-A xoxo'

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