Chapter Fourteen

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I decided it would be a good time to tell Ezra about the messages I'd been getting from -A. I texted him asking if he was busy and if I could come over to tell him something. He texted me back a few hours later saying it was fine for me to come over. I headed to his apartment at around 5. I arrived outside his apartment and took a deep breath. It was almost the same feeling I got when I came over to tell him about the pregnancy. Only this time I had to come over to tell him our child's life could be at risk, which was even worse. I knocked on the door and waited for him to open it. I began to shake and I felt like I was going to be sick. He opened the door and before he could even say hi I ran past him, into the bathroom and threw up.

"Aria? Are you okay?" he said as he poked his head around the door.

I cleaned myself up and went to sit on the couch.

"Aria? What's going on?" Is everything okay? Is the baby okay?" He asked.

"Do you remember -A?" I said to him.

"Yea.." he said hesitantly.

"They texted me saying something about getting a job and them looking after the baby. They also said they could look after 'her'."

Ezra sat there in shock for a few seconds before he said:

"Okay, so, umm.. I'm going to drive you home and you're uh, you're going to show the message from -A to your parents and then you're going to pack and bag and then we are going to go away. Far away. I don't know where but I have to protect you. And the baby. So, uh, get your jacket, let's go."

I hadn't quite fully figured out what had happened yet, but I did as Ezra asked and grabbed my jacket. He drove me home and we went inside the house.

"Ezra? What are you doing here?" my mom asked.

I showed my mom the message and Ezra explained what his plan was.

"Where are you going? When will we hear from you? Would you like to take some supplies? Do you need any snacks?" My mom said without taking a second for air.

"We don't know yet. Probably tomorrow. No mom, just clothes and sure mom." I said as I hugged my mom. I whispered in her ear that I would miss her, dad and Mike a lot and that this would be the best thing to do to keep the baby safe. She said she agreed and that I should go as long as we stay and contact. I went upstairs and packed a bag with clothes, my toothbrush, perfume and the scan that I had stuck on my wall. I looked at my room for what could have been the last time. and headed downstairs. I hugged my mom again and said goodbye. We headed back to Ezra's apartment so he could get a few of his things. I waited for him on the couch and began to cry. Ezra must have heard me because he came out to hug me.

"Listen to me, everything will be okay. We will go somewhere safe where this -A person won't be able to get us or the baby, okay? We will all be safe and together because I don't want to be apart from you again. I love you Aria Montgomery. day,you will be Aria Fitz." He said to me with that cheeky grin on his face.

"I would love to be Aria Fitz. I don't ever want to be away from you and we will have the cutest little family once the baby is born. We will have our own version of perfect and we won't care what anyone else thinks, because what they think doesn't matter when we have each other. I love you Ezra Fitz." I said to him. He kissed me and hugged me again. It didn't feel like long before he had to get back up and finish packing his things. Ezra grabbed his copy of the scan too, without knowing I'd grabbed mine as well.

"Okay, let's go. Our adventure begins now. No more -A, no more bad things happening, no more things getting in our way." Ezra said.

I looked up at him with a small smile and then looked back down. We got to Ezra's car and he put his stuff in the trunk and got in the car next to me. He put his hand on my stomach and said:

"Let's go on an adventure."

I smiled at him and he began to drive. Who knows where we would end up.

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