Chapter Thirty

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Ezra's POV

Throughout the whole car journey home Byron and I just sat in silence. I blamed myself. For what happened to Aria and Brooklyn. I blamed myself for not being able to protect them. I'm meant to be Aria's boyfriend. I'm meant to be able to protect her from anything and anyone. My daughter died because I couldn't protect her. I tried my hardest to wait until we got to my apartment before I fell to pieces. We pulled up outside my apartment block and I thanked Byron for the ride home.

"Ezra?" I hear Byron say as I opened the car door.

"Yea?" I sat back in the car and closed the car door because it was really cold outside.

"You know that it isn't your fault, right? I know you may think that this is your fault because there was nothing you could do to prevent this happening but it isn't, okay?"

"I'm meant to be able to protect her, Byron. I'm meant to make sure that no one lays a finger on her. I'm meant to make sure that she is happy all the time."

"I know how that feels, believe me, I'm meant to be her father and I allowed this to happen to my daughter and my granddaughter because there was nothing I could do to stop it,"

"No disrespect Byron, but I really just need some time to myself to shower and get my head straight. Can you tell Aria that I love her and I'll see her tomorrow?"


"Thanks for the ride Mr Montgomery,"

"That's okay,"

I closed the car door and went up to my apartment. I sat on the couch and broke down in tears. I didn't care what anyone said, it was all my fault. I'm meant to protect her. I got in the shower but I just couldn't stop thinking about Aria. She was probably completely heart broken. I know what she was like with hiding her feelings. I wanted to call her but she probably just wanted to spend time with her parents. When I got out of the shower I decided to go to bed. By this point it was around 10pm...I couldn't sleep so I just tossed and turned in my bed for most of the night. I probably got around 2 or 3 hours sleep maximum.

The next morning I thought it would be a good idea to call Aria and ask how she was doing. The phone dial rang and I had to wait for her to pick up. They were the longest few seconds of my life.

"Ezra? Are you okay?"

I sighed with relief and smiled a little at the sound of her voice.


"Yea, I'm here I'm okay, I just wanted to hear your voice, make sure you're okay,"

"I'm fine, Spencer stayed with me last night, I told her about Brooklyn, it's going to hurt so much telling the other girls,"

"I know, would you like me to come over today? Or do you want to come here so we can just have another day to watch movies without feeling like your parents are watching us?"

I hear her laugh before she says, "Sure, I'll get my dad to drive me, since we still need to get your car from Detroit,"

"Yea I know, but I'll see you soon. I love you."

"See you soon, I love you too,"

She hung up and it suddenly felt like a part of me was missing again. Whenever I wasn't around Aria it always felt like a piece of me was missing. I wanted Aria to be with me for the rest of my life.

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