I walked him up to the door and he rang the doorbell. I heard little footsteps running towards the door. When it open a blonde hair blue eyed little boy stared up at me and then over at Jake and smiled. "Hi jake!!" He screamed giving him a hug.

"Hi Adam!!"

"Hi Adam, is your mom home so I can talk to her?" I smiled

"Mommy!! Jakes sister wants to talk to you!!" Adam screamed into the house.

A taller lady in a very formal work dress walked over to me and stuck out her hand. I shook it "Hi I'm Jenny, Jakes older sister."

"Hi Jenny, I'm Adams mom. I forgot to tell your mother that I need to run out to a meeting would it be ok if son watched them while I was gone?" She questioned

"Oh yes of course. How old is he?" I asked

"Oh he's your age." She smiled

"Ok that's fine." I smiled back

"You can pick him up later tonight. Here's my number," she said handing me a piece of paper, "text me or call me when you need to come pick him up. I have your house number so ill call that if there's any problems."

"Okay thank you." I said walking away

She closed the door and I drove back home. When I got home I heard my phone buzz. It was a text from Liam

Hey don't forget about our date today(; ill be picking you up in two hours. Dress comfortably(: -Liam

I replied

Okay! Can't wait(: -Jenny

Shit! I totally forgot!! I ran upstairs and into my bathroom and turned on my curling wand. While it was heating up I applied a thin line of eyeliner on my eyelids and light sparkly eyeshadow. I curled my hair to make beach waves.

When I was done I looked in the mirror. Eww. Even when I try to look pretty I can't. I turned around and did a belly flop onto my bed.

I have always been very insecure about my body and now that I know Liam likes me I shouldn't be but I am even more now. I feel like I always have to look perfect and I know I shouldn't but I don't want him not to like me because I look gross.

I pick up my laptop and open it up to tumblr. I start reblogging pictures getting even more jealous because so many girls are so photogenic and I'm over here with the awkward smile and horrible features. Ugh.

I check my ask.fm to see I have a couple questions but none are any good. I finally decide to stop making my self feel worse and go eat food.

I hope the refrigerator to see nothing. Then I look in the pantry to find goldfish!!! Goldfish is absolutely the best snack and food of all time! I could eat these all day. I bring the whole carton over to the couch and turn on gossip girl. I stuff my face for another 30mins and then doze off.

Liam's POV:

I was so excited for our date! I could not stop bothering the boys about it. I had a huge smile on my face for the whole day.

Once I was ready I was going to be 30mins early but I left anyways I just couldn't wait.

"Hey guys I'm leaving" I waved

"Aww our little Liam's growing up." Louis said pinching my cheeks

"Shut up" I said pushing him away

"Don't forget protection!!" Niall yelled from the kitchen probably stuffing his face with food.

All the guys laughed. I just rolled my eyes. Harry was sitting on the couch not even acknowledging us. "Bye Harry!!!" I screamed

All he did was nod his head. What's his problem?

Oh well I won't anything or anyone ruin today. I walked out of the house and drove to Jenny's house. I sent Asher a quick text letting her know I was on my ya but I didn't get a reply which was weird but whatever she's probably still getting ready.

When I got to her house I went up and knocked on the door. When no one answered I rang the doorbell, still no answer.

I tried to open the door and it was open so I just walked right in. When I got inside I looked over on the couch to see Jenny laying in the couch with a goldfish bag in her hands and gossip girl reruns playing on the tv. I laughed to myself trying to to wake her yet.

I crept up behind the couch and then pounced on her.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!!" She screamed flaring her arms everywhere.

"Hahaha, it's just me!!" I said holding back my hands

"Oh my gosh!! Why the hell did you scare me!!??" She asked throwing a pillow at me but missing.

"Haha I don't know, because I felt like it. Be lucky that was me and not some creeper. You should really lock your doors." I smiled getting up.

"Ughh." She said trying not to laugh.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah let my just put the goldfish back and then grab my purse."

"Okay. Ill wait here."

Once she was done and fixed her hair I messed up she walked into the room and my jaw dropped to the floor. "Woooooooooow." I mumbled to myself


"You're gorgeous." I said getting up but not taking my eyes off her.

She looked to the floor with a frown on her, "thanks." She mumbled

"What's wrong?"


"Jenny you're gorgeous. Anyone who has ever said you're not is blind. You're beautiful inside and out. Don't let what people say get inside your head." I smiled grabbing her hands.

"Okay." She tried to smile

"You ready to go?" I asked

"Yes I am." She said has a huge grin, showing her adorable dimples, spread across her face


Authors note:

I am sosososososososososo sorry I haven't uploaded in forever! Ive had so much stuff going on I just haven't had the time): please forgive me

Well last night I slept over my friends house and we were crazy and I mean CRAZY. I thought she was possessed at one point haha. It was so much fun though. You always want to have friends who you can be yourself and act crazy around them without thinking you'll be judged.

Alrighty my lovelys enjoy my mystical and magical story. Hope you have a fantabulous day!!(: don't forget to vote and comment!!!:D


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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2013 ⏰

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